It’s ok everyone, I’m fine!
A bit traumatised, I must admit, but otherwise ok.
T’was an interesting ride home. Conti Survival Pro mud tyres work a treat on snow. A lot better than the tyres of most cars, it seems. Why oh why oh why are people driving, in this weather? I’ve just watched one tw4t take 15 minutes to get out of the car park, because he couldn’t get any grip. There will be deaths.
GrahamS- of course, you’d be out there in a T-shirt. What d’you expect the bloke to wear?? It’s minus bastard outside! The poor bugger probbly had to stand around for ages, to do the report. With snowboarding, you’re moving around, generating heat.
What really p1sses me off, is that no roads were gritted or salted yesterday, despite the warnings of heavy snow. that’s just incredibly stupid. I watched several cars sliding about last night; and that was with a lot less than this morning. There will be deaths.
There was a nice moment, though. Two African women were taking pics of each other in the snow, ‘We’ve never seen snow before!’. Spose it’s a little treat for them!
I shall not be going out, unless it’s absolutely necessary. It appears footy is cancelled for tonight. 🙁
There will be deaths.