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  • Smoking in films and TV programmes .
  • holst
    Free Member

    When I was in Oz and NZ, the lunch room was called the “smoko” room. Luckily, I quite enjoy passive smoking.

    Free Member

    They don’t smoke in soaps no more

    That there blokes mother still has a tab in Eastenderers on screen

    Full Member

    They don’t smoke in soaps no more

    Yeah, but if soaps were true to life, the entire Eastenders cast would consist entirely of trustafarian vloggers in skinny jeans, with beards, and the Queen Vic would be a vegan coffee bar

    Free Member

    Smoko breaks at sea are still the done thing.

    Free Member

    Watching the Man in the High Castle the other day we noticed whilst many of the characters smoke a lot, some of the actors are actually smoking and some are not, and the smoke and red glow are CGed in afterwards. The guy who plays Joe is clearly not smoking.

    We’ve now moved on enough that the cigarette use is actually quite a powerful visual point in that series, serving to highlight that it is a different era. And the cigarettes serve a point to demonstrate what’s going on, as MCK says. People have drinks in the same way in modern telly still.

    Free Member

    Still a lot of smoking in German workplaces ime.

    Free Member

    watched this last week

    Why were there so many bikes in it? I mean, it’s personal choice, but I don’t need them rammed down my throat. Everyone takes a shit, but they didn’t show one person riding a bog in that entire thing

    Full Member

    People have drinks in the same way in modern telly still.

    Much to the art department’s annoyance. Continuity nightmare.

    Free Member

    It was quite a striking thing about that Ethel and Ernest, the Raymond Briggs’ animation about his childhood and his parents that was on over Christmas, that his dad always had a fag dangling out the side of his mouth.

    Kind of brought home the extent to which smoking is a thing people – as in, near enough everybody – used to do.

    Free Member

    Continuity nightmare

    Lol yes I bet.

    I love these insights into TV production btw – more fascinating than it ought to be 🙂

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