My mum has just been released from hospital yesterday after having 1/3 of one lung removed after learning she had lung cancer in October. I have no idea where she was in terms of severity (she keeps these things to herself) and at this stage we have no idea whether she will get the all clear or not, although we do know that preliminary biopsies on lymph nodes were clear (although more have been biopsied and we are still awaiting the results).
Mum was in the Bexley Wing of St James Hospital in Leeds – one of the UKs leading teaching oncology units so there was bed after bed of people going through similar things (at least two of them were definitely lung cancer).
I remember, as a child telling her not to smoke – I used to go on and on about it, that it would kill her and I didn’t want to be without my mum and as Hora has just said there is a ‘it’ll happen to someone else’ mentality with most smokers.
Obviously I have no idea how far on your dad is, but lung cancer can be very treatable so don’t be too despondent. I clearly remember having feelings like yours a couple of months ago. But be there for him, enjoy the fact he is still here and you still have him to talk to. I lost dad two years ago on Sunday – a seemingly innocuous illness suddenly complicated and he was gone. No chance to say goodbye as none of us thought he was going anywhere.