As Peterpoddy says.
I built my new hardtail up recently with a triple SLX setup, but that was primarily as it was aimed at being more of an out and out XC bike, and possibly end up doing some road miles commuting too.
Having run a bike with a 24/36/bash setup before, and a couple of bikes with a single 36T ring only, you really don’t notice the lack of a big ring unless you’re doing a lot of road miles, or you really are a gear masher (in which case learn to spin!). The jump from 32T middle to 36T is noticable, but it’s not that great. You do end up dropping to the granny quicker for a climb, but you should do anyway as keeping in the middle ring for a climb will be a nightmare when you come to shift down as the front chainrings don’t shift anywhere near as well under load as the rear cogs do in general.
If you’re building up a Trance frame with Pikes, sounds like you’re going to use it as more of a fun bike than a serious mile muncher, in which case, definitely go for the bashring setup. Trance’s have quite a low BB anyway, so come the time when you ride over your first trail obstacle and the bashring bashes into it, you’ll be glad you didn’t get the 3 ring setup!