Saturday nights excursion into the Chilterns.
The original plan was to bivi in some woods I’d found on the map, a nice small wood on top of a hill, miles for anywhere. Anyway, I got there, there’s a big no entry sign as it’s a wildlife reserve for nesting birds and judging by the noise there were a lot of them!
Continued back down the hill and decided that pitching in the corner of a field was probably the sensible option rather than pressing on in the dark without any real plan of where to go. Stupidly I’d not bothered to bring a map as it’s an area I know the trails well enough!
20miles there, 20 to the outlaws for a fry-up in the morning, and another 10 back home, just enough to feel like I’d done some work.
And proof you don’t need to be in the middle of nowhere to enjoy a cheeky night under the stars and wake upto a lovely inversion/sunrise!
2016-10-10_10-20-51 by thisisnotaspoon[/url], on Flickr
2016-10-10_10-21-02 by thisisnotaspoon[/url], on Flickr
2016-10-10_10-21-12 by thisisnotaspoon[/url], on Flickr
2016-10-10_10-21-43 by thisisnotaspoon[/url], on Flickr
Kit list:
Alpkit kanga + airlock with a vango self inflating mat and an ME Daragon Series sleeping bag (no idea what rating it is/was, but it’s chuffin toasty even at 5C outside!)
Ibrea Bike frame bag with a Gelert solo tent.
Alpkit Koala with down jacket, waterproof, ronhills, merino LS top, silk bag liner, 650ml Ti mug, bearboned 18g stove, roasting tray windshield, foil bubble wrap pot cosy, travel shampoo bottle of meths and striker.
Camelback with 3l of water and bike stuff.
Podsac chalk bag with a bag of wine gums, bar of choclate and phone.
Dinner was cous-cous and choritso cooked in a bag in the pot cosy whilst I brewed a cuppa in the mug. Genius , whoever came up with that washing up saving idea!