Home Forums Chat Forum Shock horror, red meat will kill you…..

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  • Shock horror, red meat will kill you…..
  • joao3v16
    Free Member

    How much meat should you eat a day/week, etc ?.

    Yeh, these so-called ‘experts’ are brilliant aren’t they…

    “ooooh, don’t eat too much of that, you’ll be killed to death”

    “ah, ok … so, how much is too much?”

    “oh, we’ve no idea about that…”

    Full Member

    oao3v16 – Member

    How much meat should you eat a day/week, etc ?.

    Yeh, these so-called ‘experts’ are brilliant aren’t they…

    “ooooh, don’t eat too much of that, you’ll be killed to death”

    “ah, ok … so, how much is too much?”

    “oh, we’ve no idea about that…”

    * cutting down to the UK average of 70g a day can help reduce the risk; and

    Free Member

    The Department advises:

    * people who eat a lot of red or processed meat – around 90g or more of cooked weight per day – are at greater risk of getting bowel cancer;

    Ok. Please explain more.

    * cutting down to the UK average of 70g a day can help reduce the risk;

    Pray tell, how in the name of all that’s holy do I reduce my intake from 90g to 70g. For the life of me I cannot imagine how on earth it could be achieved without some kind of great technological breakthrough. Or maybe an ‘app’ on my smartphone.

    * this can be achieved by eating smaller portions or by eating red and processed meat less often.

    Ah. Put less of it into my mouth. Thank goodness for advice like this. I would never have thought of that all by myself.

    Now can you help me get dressed and tie my shoe laces. Thanks.

    I might also need my bottom wiping later if I need a poo.

    Free Member

    Looking through the data it would appear that the people who eat the most meat also smoked the most.

    Also of interest is that the odds of High Cholesterol appear inversely proportional to the amount of meat eaten.

    Full Member

    IanMunro – Member

    Looking through the data it would appear that the people who eat the most meat also smoked the most.

    Also of interest is that the odds of High Cholesterol appear inversely proportional to the amount of meat eaten.

    but also increased high blood pressure and bmi

    Free Member

    I hope we are all eternally grateful that the Holy Church of British Heart Foundation has deemed us worthy to be permitted to partake of the red meat.

    On second thoughts, stop nagging us and bossing us around about what we can and can’t eat.


    Free Member

    Eah !, Eah !.

    Calm down.

    Just wondered… how much meat / protein one ought to be aiming for and whether this varies with certain goals, etc…..

    Free Member

    Anyone know who funded the research? I believe a lot of studies are funded by companies with a vested interest in the outcome.

    Full Member

    Hopk1ns – Member

    Anyone know who funded the research? I believe a lot of studies are funded by companies with a vested interest in the outcome.

    IanMunro – Member

    Looking through the data it would appear that the people who eat the most meat also smoked the most.

    Also of interest is that the odds of High Cholesterol appear inversely proportional to the amount of meat eaten.

    i believe it was the international spinach growers lobby 😕

    Free Member

    i believe it was the international spinach growers lobby

    In the pockets of Big Popeye, no doubt.

    Free Member


    How do you pronounce that?

    Is it Welsh? It looks like it might be Welsh. What with no vowels in it.

    Or it’s one of the noises my 9-month-old makes. He’s not Welsh.

    Free Member

    He’s not Welsh.

    but what if he chooses to become ‘Welsh’ in the future.
    you may think it’s not natural and ungodly to be ‘Welsh’ but you should respect his decision nonetheless and offer him your support in his lifestyle choice.

    Free Member

    offer him your support in his lifestyle choice

    But surely its not a Lifestyle choice.

    Aren’t they born that way, but just need to come out ?.

    Free Member

    On second thoughts, stop nagging us and bossing us around about what we can and can’t eat.

    Yeah, how dare they try and find out what’s causing premature deaths! Saving lives?! Who the hell do they think they are?!

    Yeh, these so-called ‘experts’ are brilliant aren’t they…

    Yes they are. If you were half as clever as them you’d realise that they aren’t saying stuff like that. Have you ever read a scientific paper?

    Oh and I love all these ‘you’ll die anyway’ posters, like you’re some kind of clever clogs who’s just discovered some great truth that all these idiots don’t know. When you reach 68 would you like to be told you have 2 years left or 20?

    Free Member

    At the end of the day EVERYTHING kills you. Its as simple as that. The stuff that’s enjoyable kills you faster

    My lentil burger and green leaf salad with miso dressing is trying to kill me, are you sure fat boy 😉

    Yeh, these so-called ‘experts’ are brilliant aren’t they..

    Aye there is not enough nonsensical irrate adiatribes from ill informed IT geeks on a forum. We need to do something about this and remake ignorance King, I thank you for your sterling efforts in re dressing the balance between wise and informerd and ignorant and angry

    Free Member

    Yeah, how dare they try and find out what’s causing premature deaths!

    When are you meant to die?

    Free Member

    Oh and I love all these ‘you’ll die anyway’ posters, like you’re some kind of clever clogs who’s just discovered some great truth that all these idiots don’t know. When you reach 68 would you like to be told you have 2 years left or 20?

    Luvin this ^^

    My lentil burger and green leaf salad with miso dressing is trying to kill me, are you sure fat boy

    Aye there is not enough nonsensical irrate adiatribes from ill informed IT geeks on a forum. We need to do something about this and remake ignorance King, I thank you for your sterling efforts in re dressing the balance between wise and informerd and ignorant and angry

    Read that twice.
    I still can’t understand a word.

    Free Member

    Yeah, how dare they try and find out what’s causing premature deaths!

    Problem is, there are so many different things that their research ‘suggests’ may cause premature death that it’s impossible for anyone to remember what they all are, and if we could we’d become terminally paranoid about every little decision and eventually go insane trying to live up to their recommendations … after a point I’m happy to live in ignorance and enjoy life rather than constantly worrying about a vast list of things that might one day kill me …

    Free Member

    Problem is, there are so many different things that their research ‘suggests’ may cause premature death that it’s impossible for anyone to remember what they all are, and if we could we’d become terminally paranoid about every little decision and eventually go insane trying to live up to their recommendations … after a point I’m happy to live in ignorance and enjoy life rather than constantly worrying about a vast list of things that might one day kill me …

    Yes, not withstanding the little clocks on the ends of our chromosomes…

    Free Member

    Problem is, there are so many different things that their research ‘suggests’ may cause premature death that it’s impossible for anyone to remember what they all are

    That’s why the scientists publish in scientific journals. It’s the media that trawl the abstracts for stuff they can reprocess into crap stories, thereby causing untold damage to the cause of healthy eating and to the reputation of the scientific commnunity.

    Bolx it is, aye. You’re not supposed to read the articles and go “OMG I MUST STOP EATING MEAT COS THEY HAVE SAID SO!’. You’re just being told that some scientists have found a correlation and that’s a piece of information you may choose to use when deciding what to have for lunch, or you may not.

    Free Member

    If red meat is so bad for you,why have I never seen a sickly looking Tiger?

    Free Member

    If red meat is so bad for you,why have I never seen a sickly looking Tiger

    I love this.

    Let me guess……… Err, um.

    I’ve got it !.

    Is it cos they don’t smoke cigarettes ?.

    Free Member

    Is it ok to have red meat with a class of wine, followed by dark chocolate? Aren’t the latter supposed to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease..?

    Free Member

    Is it ok to have red meat with a class of wine, followed by dark chocolate? Aren’t the latter supposed to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease..?

    You can eat and drink those things if you wish.

    And, you don’t have to attend a class to do so.

    Free Member

    There’s a lot of whining self-justification here. It’s very simple: if you don’t want to reduce your red meat consumption, then don’t: nobody’s going to make you.

    Full Member

    monkeycmonkeydo – Member

    If red meat is so bad for you,why have I never seen a sickly looking Tiger?

    i think its because frosties are fortified with cisplatin

    oh and ransos is correct

    Free Member

    There’s a lot of whining self-justification here. It’s very simple: if you don’t want to reduce your red meat consumption, then don’t: nobody’s going to make you.

    Here, Here !.
    Nobody is holding a gun to your head.

    Free Member

    I’d like to see the research factor in things like corn syrup and sugar – often what is eaten with meat can be worse than the meat. But if they don’t look they don’t find.

    Free Member

    If red meat is so bad for you,why have I never seen a sickly looking Tiger?

    Are you a tiger?

    Problem is with research it tends to be narrow in scope so you can actually get some sort of quantifiable answer, even if it’s in terms of probability.

    Free Member

    Full Member

    Red meat kills you,and too much chicken gives you man boobs,
    Bet fastfood outlets are shitting it.

    Free Member

    iDave – Member
    I’d like to see the research factor in things like corn syrup and sugar – often what is eaten with meat can be worse than the meat. But if they don’t look they don’t find.

    Here you go:

    note – this caused quite a controversy

    Free Member

    CaptJon – I posted that last week! Boils my piss.

    Free Member

    Oh, i saw it on a blog by a guy who doesn’t understand simple statistics:

    The bitter truth about fructose alarmism.

    Free Member

    That was a good vid.

    Cheers iDave.

    I liked the phrase “Like drinking a pizza” when referring to the salt content of some of those fizzy drinks.

    Free Member

    They said adding an extra portion of unprocessed red meat to someone’s daily diet would increase the risk of death by 13%

    Wow – so my risk of death would then be 113%. That’s bad.

    Correlation, not causation. There doesn’t appear to be a control group in this study. I CBA reading academic studies – has anybody here read the original paper rather than just the media reports of it? Did they do anything at all to try and determine whether what they were seeing was directly related to eating meat, or whether there were other lifestyle correlations related to eating red meat which might be risk factors?

    I’m not about to dispute that red meat in excessive quantities is a health risk, but this study doesn’t appear to have furthered the scientific proof of that one little bit.

    Full Member

    I have nothing to add, other than that this thread is fantastic

    Full Member

    To be fair the nice lady on the radio yesterday did say that the research was based on a reply form and not someone measuring the actual amounts people ate through their lives. She also went on to say that people are notoriously bad at filling in these forms (how much do you tell the doc you drink?). If it weren’t bad for you I think she’d be taking the findings with a pinch of salt.

    Free Member

    Yeh, these so-called ‘experts’ are brilliant aren’t they

    Now it’s another day..do you feel a bit silly coming out with that one?….

    Free Member

    Funny how when a scientist tells you something like smoking kills – you would nod in violent agreement and look down on those who smoke, yet when they attack your precious red-meat you can just dismiss it out of hand! 🙄

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