Home Forums Bike Forum Shimano MT70 Goretex lined shoes

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  • Shimano MT70 Goretex lined shoes
  • swoosh
    Free Member

    Has anyone tried these shoes? They seem pretty good to me as they will be breathable and also offer an improved waterproofness over something like the MT41 shoe for those days when its quite warm but also there is a chance of rain or it has been raining recently when a winter boot like the MW80 will be OTT. What are they like? any reports on them?

    Free Member

    The thing with Goretex shoes is that once the water gets in, it’ll stay in unless there are drain holes. If there are drain holes, it kinda defeats the point of a waterproof shoe.

    Free Member

    I’ve been using MW80’s for a while now in various temps and there just right even when its not that cold, I’d really recomend them. Just dont bother with sealskins socks, they just fill up with sweat! I find my £1.75 Aldi snow socks are the best.

    Free Member

    Another vote for the MW80 got some two weeks ago and they are fantastic – no more cold feet.

    Free Member

    i’ve also got some MW80s but what i’m trying to decide is if the MT70s are a good option as a spring/autumn shoes when the MW80s will be way over the top but there is still a chance that my feet will get wet.

    Free Member

    Be lucky to get MW80’s just now my bro has been trying to get a pair size 45 for few months he’s been told there’s none available anywhere until March !! kinda defeats a winter riding boot I think. I’ve had MW02 for few years now can’t fault them

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