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  • Setting up my revelations
  • SlowJohn
    Free Member

    Never owned an air fork so please forgive me all the questions tonight. I have set my sag and my negative chamber 5 psi over the positive, obviously i need to get out and ride them to see if this works for me. When i check the pressure on the positive it always shows about 10psi lower than i set it (i know this is something to do with air in the pump) but when i check the pressure on the negative it shows about 40 psi less than what i set that. Is this being lost into the pump ??? or is there a fault somewhere or do i have to pump the negative back up quite a lot every time i check it? aqny help greatly appreciated

    Free Member

    Pressure loss when you put the pump back on is due to a set amount of air in the chamber then expanding into a slightly larger volume (+ pump hose and gauge) hence less pressure.

    The negative chamber on a rev is MUCH smaller than the positive therfore as a percentage of total volume the pump hose/gauge assembly is higher and so the pressure loss will always seem to be higher.

    Not a problem with the fork just something to remember and dont stick in 40psi extra like some people do!

    Free Member

    Thanks v10 thought it was something like that these forks require a lot more setting up than my vanillas did

    Free Member

    I find that the forks start to lose travel when the negative chamber has more pressure than the positive chamber. I set mine up like this :

    1) empty negative chamber or leave just a small amount of air in it.
    2) Set travel to 25% sag by adjusting pressure in positive chamber.
    3) Top up negative chamber until the fork begins to lose travel.

    I usually find the negative chamber ends up with about 5-10psi less than the positive.

    Anyone got any other ways of doing it ?

    Free Member

    Agree with V10 about pressure loss. IMHO 25% sag is too much – manual says 15-20%. I do what is probably termed aggressive XC, and I’m happy with just under 20% sag and equal +ve and -ve pressures. Don’t see why more -ve pressure reduces travel unless you go way over the +ve pressure. The -ve is only to overcome initial travel stiction.

    As Keva says basically, but start with equal pressures and midway on rebound and go from there.

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