Imagine the dogs have stickers on prior to washing. Options are :-
Dog A Dog B
Girl Girl
Boy Girl
Girl Boy
Boy Boy
If the wife confirms Dog A is a boy there are only 2 possible solutions. (50/50)
See below if she confirms dog B is a boy
Dog A Dog B
Girl Girl
Boy Girl
Girl Boy
Boy Boy
Again this time if the wife confirms Dog B is a boy, there are still only 2 possible solutions (50/50)
It does not matter which dog the wife confirms is a boy. We can assume that the only options we have is that there are 2 boys OR 1 boy and 1 girl.
Same if I go to work knowing I have 2 children, but during the day I forget their sexes so I phone home to the wife.
Me ‘Can you tell me if one of my children is a son?’
Wife ‘Yes’
From that I can only either have a son and a daughter OR two sons. To have a son and a daughter is EXACTLY the same option as to have a daughter and a son.