I saw a counsellor a few years ago after being signed off with work-related stress. It was great and it helped a lot. I often have issues with my boss – related to my relationship with my Dad.
Anyway, I'm currently in a situation with a particularly nasty and manipulative boss – his antics are well known and he's hated by pretty much anyone who ever has to work with him. Most people have simply refused to work with him.
I've raised it with the Head of Dept several times but he's too chicken to tackle the problem – I was warned he'd be a master of inaction when I first went to speak to him.
The point of this is that even tho I know I often have issues with my boss, this guy is known to be a horror to all and sundry and there's only so much I can do about my own behaviour to resolve the situation.
Nevertheless I'm finding myself constantly angry with him and head of dept for creating and letting the situation arise and continue. I'm now job hunting as clearly nothing's going to change.
But I also know that I could help myself by being less angry about the whole situation and was thinking about going back to my counsellor for a few sessions, if only to help get my mind in a more positive place while I find a new job. I definitely need a confidence boost if I'm going to do myself justice in interviews.
Question is, I'll have to do this during the working day. So do I tell work I have a regular doctor's appt (I could believably use physio as an excuse) or do I say 'I'm struggling to cope with my boss's behaviour which I've raised previously and is well known to you and am going to see a counsellor to get some help.'
I think that to a degree this is confrontational and they won't like it but it's also the truth and feel that they ought to at some level, take account of the impact of their failure to deal with this guy.
Any thoughts?