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  • Scandal 29er Question
  • sparsons
    Free Member

    Anyone riding a 29er Scandal with drop/midge bars? Pics please if possible.

    Free Member

    not me, but clink of this ere forum has played with monstercross builds and may be able to give some ideas on geometry etc.

    Full Member

    So I have! In the end not for me. I’ve not seen anyone do it to a Scandal, though plenty have to O-O steel 29er frames, including myself. Personally I think the long tt and short ht of the On-ones makes them less suitable for drop-bar conversion. You need to get midges close and high for a proper position to ride off-road in the drops – so long steerer tube, lots of spacers and/or steep, short stem.

    There is lost on mtbr if you do a search.

    I’ve come to the conclusion that drop bars need a specific frame off road (shorter tt, longer ht). A lot like the Salsa Fargo
    http://www.salsacycles.com/fargoComp09.html in fact, or the up-coming Singular Gryphon (is that right?).

    Lots of info here too:
    http://g-tedproductions.blogspot.com/2008/10/drop-bar-for-mountain-biking-part-i.html read on and see links for his series of articles.

    Full Member

    Oh and if you do decide to go ahead I’ve got a brand new pair (out of wrapper, fitted, taken off, put in box) pair of these (in black not silver):

    Much nicer than the Dia Compe 287V’s.

    Free Member

    saw this on mtbr last year, thought it looked cool

    Free Member

    Thanks guys, what you’ve said pretty much aligns with my thoughts on the subject.
    I’ve seen another Indred with Drops as a tourer and also a 456 running a rigid fork and drops. I found the 26″ Inbred I owned very long in the top tube with straight bars, let alone fitting drops aswell!
    I think I may be better to wait for the Gryphon to arrive as it’s a frame designed for what I want, rather than making something else fit.

    Full Member

    Exactly the conclusion I came too! I think if you have long arms/torso it can work on a ‘normal’ frame.

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