Home Forums Chat Forum Running injury – my hip… help please

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  • Running injury – my hip… help please
  • tobyho
    Free Member

    I know there are running forums, but I like STW.

    I have been running for nearly 5 years. I don’t go far and often only run once a week (I ride my bikes a lot, when I can). However about 7 weeks ago I decided to pick my running up a bit and commit to 3 runs a week and get my speed and distances up.

    All has been going well. did a 5k with 8.17 min pace – which is great for me. I am a big bloke. Lots of longer runs of about 6 miles. Last Saturday I went out for a 8.25 mile which I did at 10 min pace – loved it. Ached a bit the following day. But on the Monday went out for a gentle 5k at lunchtime and instantly felt pain in left hip, almost a burning type pain. Cut the run short. My hip felt ok after 3 days. But went out the bike for the rest of the week. Didn’t want to risk it.

    Then today I go out – after no running in a week and i’m doing well. But all of sudden at 2 miles in I take a right turn off of a slight hill into the park and I feel my left hip almost click; the hip pain is back. Doesn’t hurt when sitting but when I walk I can feel it. It’s not really painful; I doubt anyone would notice (no limping etc). but I definatley would not want to run on it.

    Any advice please ? i am loving my running; dont want to stop.

    Full Member

    Get thee to a good osteopath. Where are you ? I know of an excellent osteo in Marlow if you’re intrested.
    He sorted out my running induced hip pains good and proper.

    Free Member

    take longer off let your body heal, run shorter distances for a bit. maybe invest in some new shoes?

    Free Member

    I am in Essex.

    Why do you suggest osteopath ? Is it a back related thing as opposed to a leg / foot (podiatrist) ?

    Full Member

    I’d go to your GP.

    given you’re a ‘big bloke’ you may want to get it checked for any ‘wear and tear’ type issues (via an MRI type scan, if necessary).

    Full Member

    I was recently training for a half marathon after far too long of not running.

    I had similar pain in my hip.

    I went to see a sports physio, who diagnosed an imbalance in the supporting muscles around my hips. I’m right handed / footed, so basically my right leg is stronger than the left; putting more pressure on my left hip.

    She gave me a load of very simple strengthening exercises (lying on your back doing hip thrusts, and the like).
    The end result was that I ran the half 2 weeks ago with little or no pain.

    Maybe give a physio a try.
    Your GP may just fob you off to a physio in any case.

    Free Member

    for an osteopath try

    Mike Vassiliou at 49 Queen Victoria St, London, EC4N 4SA, 0207970 0912


    my mate had hamstring problems and went to a physio, then a physician, had mri scans, cortisone injections, etc, for about 12 months until eventually he went to Mike who fixed him.

    Apparently Mike is 50+ and runs for his age group for Britain at 400 and 200m, so he knows a bit about running and muscles, and gave a lot of advice about how to ‘self-maintain’.

    So maybe this is him on this list:


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