Fever Pitch was quite good even though I hate football (maybe it’s a book about football for people that hate football). High Fidelity was OK but holiday reading.
Atlas Shrugged – Jesus wept.
I plough through spy and detective novels constantly. But OMG the frigging Bourne Supremacy etc books are awful. Terrible. The first one is just about OK so that you think hmm, I might as well keep going (they’re only 2 quid in second hand shops) but the second one is just *abominable*.
There are a couple of good Tom Clancy ones (by the standards of airport novels) but most of them are too “he put down his CX5 that had been made by master craftsmen in the small Swiss town of Nutzsplatter, pausing only to admire its 5mm adjustable magnitude, which a professional with training in the Lumumba camps between 1976 and 1978 could consider to be…” shite. Yes, we get that you’ve done the research but it’s still crap.
Can’t believe no-one here has mentioned Paulo Coelho! A gf got me that once…think it was then when I realised it was all over…