Home Forums Bike Forum RS Revelations – Can you explain the air chambers to me?

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  • RS Revelations – Can you explain the air chambers to me?
  • imnotamused
    Free Member

    I’ve read the manual but am still a bit confused by the +ve and -ve air chambers on Revelations. For the sake of this new forum (there were explanations on the old one I think), could someone explain to me what they do?

    My guess is the +ve chamber is used to moderate the spring pressure (for want of a better description) for the majority of the fork travel, and the -ve chamber air pressure only comes into play when the fork is nearing full travel and can control how easily the fork bottoms out…?

    Free Member

    +ve air chamber is basically the main spring (which holds you + weight of bike up)
    -ve air chamber helps the small bump movement by acting against the +ve air spring pressure to make the forks more reactive (compress easier), it holds less air (by volume) than the +ve chamber so only helps for the first part of the travel i.e. over small bumps

    Both chambers should have roughly the same pressure in them for a lively, smooth fork, for a stiffer fork put more in the +ve than -ve.

    Note that more pressure in the forks will require more rebound damping as they will move out faster, teh rebound damping is designed to slow the extension of the forks after compression.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Cool, so the more -ve air in the chamber the easier the fork will begin to compress. Clever stuff. Love the diagrams!

    Free Member

    “so the more -ve air in the chamber the easier the fork will begin to compress”

    Yes, but it’ll dive at every oppurtunity you give it and sit further into its travel at rest (With you on it and without)
    Its basically a preload on the main chamber helping to reduce the effect of stiction in the seals, which helps with small bump stuff

    Full Member

    so the more -ve air in the chamber the easier the fork will begin to compress

    Only up to a point. If you put too much pressure in the neg, it’ll bleed into the pos chamber and suck down the travel.

    markenduro has it.

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