Anyone with any advice? The rohloff on my tandem seems to leak oil into the clickbox shifting mechanism which then gets onto te disc. I have replaced the two paper gaskets under the shifter mechanism and axle plate but it still seems to be happening. should I have put sealant on the bolt threads? Could the oil be coming down them? should I have put gasket goo on the paper gaskets? any other clues?
When I pull the clickbox off its wet with oil inside. there is a faint mist around the main oil seal but I believe that is normal
Could it be coming out of the breather hole in axle tube ?
its a QR - apparently thats the breather thru the hollow axle? Its more than a mist or a few drops tho and the clickbox bit you remove is wet with oil
Yep Ive had this problem, Its also an issue with 10x1 threaded axle ends so I doubt its the breather hole.
Ive found its worst just after an oil change and if the bike is leaned or layed down on the disc side. After some time the excess oil is gone and it stops.
One thing I did do which seemed to help was to make a plug of PTFE tape which I pushed into the center of the 8mm hex shifting connector where it connects to the click box. It seemed that the oil was getting out of the hole.
As you found I also replaced the gasket, and the axle seal in the hub, neither of which helped.
If you are not in immediate need of it I'd recommend sending it back to Rohloff. Exceptional customer service and it will be back to new after a service, giving many more thousands of miles of trouble free cycling. How bad would you feel unintentionally running it dry and really messing it up? Sophisticated bits of equipment liked the Rohloff should be treated with the respect they deserve to get the best out of them.
rohloff themselves state running it "dry" ( oil will always remain) causes no harm
I just hoped someone had a easy solution for this leak
Sophisticated bits of equipment liked the Rohloff
Draggy POS that creaks from any method of torque kickback arm on offer, develops play in the main bearings and leaks oil might be a better description.
So much promise but ultimately so little delivery.
Back to the OP.
Even though mine did all of the above it never leaked oil into the click box, just from the axle seals.
I'd run it dry in your situation. Can't make them any more clunky than they already are.
Get over to Bearbones TJ and ask Lune Ranger, he's been running them 20years plus.