Did anyone else not find it a bit… middle eastern/terroristy?..
Jedah.. holy city in the sand (where all the special power allegedly comes from). Blown to bits.
Brown skinned mercenaries wrapped in black head clothes, kidnapping at will…
Coastal palm tree shod high rise buildings on desert fringe..
Like TFA, it was a bit crap. Had it’s moments, cracking last tie-in scene with Vader preceeded by over an hour of sod all.
Until producers realise that the charm of the originals lay in its virtual lack of CGI – then they’ll never crack another classic Star Wars movie. You’d have thought they’d have learned the lesson from Lucas’s EpI/II//III complete jack fest.
Agree with sentiments of plot holes. Can’t understand how AT-ATs are now open to random cannon fire to blow them to smithereens.
Whittakers character, wtf?
The entire ‘we need to run a cable to hardware a radio signal up to the sky’ plot was excruciating.
Totally agree with earlier comment on the score being a bit off too – it was over intrusive and sounded lack lustre. Very un-Star Wars – un-John Williams in that respect.
Disagree about costumes though, thought they were great.
Good sci-fi is like making love to a beautiful woman – the less special effects that are flaunted, the more you want – too heavy on the special effects, one begins to feel they’ve perhaps seen it all before