The prices have gone up because of the exchange rate, whereas electrical goods will be priced out on 12 month contracts, sporting goods will not be.
Importers have to pass on cost rises and this happens quite quickly. In this case they’ve actually delayed on price hikes for quite a while. However the level of the price increases is extortionate. I work for a US sporting goods manufacturer and we’ve gone up 12% lately in the UK, but 30% is ridiculous. Transportation costs have fallen 30% over the last 6 months, and trust me, that’s a good 10% of the final product price in this case.
They are screwing us, no question about it.
It makes you consider the function of the importer at all. Bike companies are big enough to be able to do all their sales and warranty themselves for less cost than distributors do, so why stick with the outmoded 3 tier supply model, it’s crazy.