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  • Road closures and getting through snow
  • molgrips
    Free Member

    I’m trying to make a case to persudae my mate to come up to this race in the Beacons. Looking at the traffic cameras on traffic-wales the A470 looks clear, but the A470 is closed.

    The question is, if they close a road can you try and get through anyway? He as a 4×4 with semi knobbly tyres, and I have 2wd with winter tyres, so I fancy either of our chances. Is it legal to do this?

    Free Member

    race is essential then is it ?

    if you were asking about gettign a pregnant wife to hospital or even trying to get home then id say fire on but for a race.

    if its closed its closed and if you do go , at least take some form of self recovery – chains , shovel , some old carpet.

    Free Member

    Maybe this will help.

    Full Member

    I think it’s more likely that the emergency services will have to divert in order to rescue the two selfish dipsticks who decided to ignore warnings and proceed onto a road that was closed for a reason.

    It’s a race for FFS! You don’t have a NEED to travel!

    Free Member

    your insurance might be invalidated? only a guess.

    if you do have to be rescued the police/ fire service are going to have to attend. which is the reason they’ve shut it.

    unless matey in the 4×4 is pretty confident/ equipped i’d avoid.

    Free Member

    A couple of years back all roads out of Belmont near Bolton were shut. Only real danger I found was that ROAD CLOSED signs are not very visible when approached from the wrong side 😳

    On the way back there was a copper parked who pointed vigorously at the sign, but as I either had a 6 mile walk back from Abbey Village, or a drive and potentially shorter walk if I did get shut, I just told him I was going home and he didn’t seem to bothered, just told me to take care. But I did also point out I had carpet, a shovel, and lots of warm clothes in case I did get stuck.

    Full Member

    Surprised the race itself isn’t cancelled. As for the predicament, firstly you’ll only get in trouble if you get caught… Secondly, not sure but I guess the police could do you for driving without due care and attention or something even if there isn’t a specific rule about closed roads.

    Free Member

    er stay at home or promise not to call for assistance if it goes wrong.

    Free Member

    I think it’s more likely that the emergency services will have to divert in order to rescue the two selfish dipsticks

    Why would we need rescuing?

    Free Member

    Why would we need rescuing?

    Because if the road’s closed, it’s usually closed for a reason. i.e. to stop the aforementioned selfish dipsticks from requiring rescue.

    Free Member

    Why would we need rescuing?

    That sounds like a gauntlet hitting the floor to me… 😉

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member
    I think it’s more likely that the emergency services will have to divert in order to rescue the two selfish dipsticks
    Why would we need rescuing?

    a little math

    when confidence > ability then **** up happens

    do you know why its closed?

    Free Member

    You could give it a whirl and be fine, but probably wouldn’t get much sympathy if you got stuck.

    Free Member

    But if my car gets stuck, that doesn’t mean I’m stuck, does it? I’d walk or cycle out. Would’t call the bloody emergency services!

    probably wouldn’t get much sympathy if you got stuck

    I wouldn’t expect any!

    Free Member

    give it a whirl then! You don’t need a www forum to tell you if you’re sure about it.

    Has nobody else ever crossed a flood or a snowed-up road?

    Free Member

    Its ok, you can pick and choose what road signs apply to you, you’re clearly not an idiot.

    Free Member

    There could be drifts across the road that make it completely impassable until cleared. Its closed for a reason.

    A race is not an emergency and I think the advisories are if its not essential do not travel.

    Just think while you are being rescued for being a complete tool and thinking that “road closed” does not apply to you someone else, you mum, brother, sister, could really be in need of those emergency services but they were dealing with some tit who thought he knew better

    Edit Looked to see who OP was and really suprised it was you molgrips? Sorry I suggested your a tit but its a tit thing to do for a race!

    Free Member

    flopped big time here molgrips mate

    Free Member

    I’m surprised by some of the views on this thread. I’d have expected rufty-tufty trail centre riders to be more up for it.

    I once drove along the A66 across the Pennines (in a Micra on normal tyres). It had snow cover and was closed just after we passed the gates. The snow wasn’t deep or drifting though. Presumably Trunk roads have certain standards that are required to be maintained.

    Free Member

    If the road actually is impassable you might need to ride a long way. I’d take a 29er if I were you! 😀

    Free Member

    @Aristotle, I went over the A66 once when it was snowing and had to dragged out by a farmer! That is I guess a quite variable road. When you see the snow poles makes you think! It was an interesting journey.

    Apparently the farmers up there sort of patrol the road when the snow hits to help people out as its such a regular occurrence!

    For the record it wasn’t closed and I was trying to get home before the snow started good and proper so was not being a tit!

    Free Member

    I once drove along the A66 across the Pennines (in a Micra on normal tyres). It had snow cover and was closed just after we passed the gates.

    Met a traffic cop who used to spend his time turning people back. It’s closed for a reason. Once it’s closed remember your not the most important person in the world but people will still risk themselves to save you. Shame really.

    Free Member

    I’ve driven over the Haslingden Grane road when it’s had closed signs at each end and had a nice easy drive, even on standard tyres. They just close roads to keep the muppets off. Anybody who’s driven in the Alps or Scotland will be fine.

    Free Member

    give it a go, don’t really get all the selfish arguments.

    just make sure you take enough stuff to make yourself self sufficient for a few days incase you get stuck, ie means of keeping yourself warm and some food to last ye till ye get moving again. you’ve a car, so shelter is sorted.

    no like it’s an artic expedition or anything.

    Free Member


    Full Member

    Go for it.

    I was stuck the wrong side of a snow gate in the Highlands in December. I was twenty minutes from where I needed to be and there was sod all snow actually on the road. Took me two hours to go back they way I’d came and take another route.

    I had snow socks and a shovel in the car.

    When the authorities close roads they need to take everyone into account. This includes people who have no equipment for the weather and think the best way to deal with snow is to mash the accelerator like a mentalist in first gear.

    Free Member

    Ok folks let’s just clear something up.

    I asked if road closed signs must be legally observed or not. It’s a simple question.

    I didn’t ask if it was wise to do so, I’ll make my own decision.

    And for for those of you worrying, I would take precautions to get myself out of trouble if I got into it, I WOULD DEFINITELY NOT CALL THE EMERGENCY SERVICES. Just think of it as the trail starting earlier than it usually does. After all the plan would be to go even further up into the mountains than the road goes.

    Free Member

    Not illegal but Darwin may have something to say about it!

    Free Member

    You think I’d die if I had to walk 5 miles in snow?

    Free Member

    sharkbait – Member
    Not illegal but Darwin may have something to say about it!

    in fairness, darwin travelled the world in an 18th century ship, a tad more dangerous than a few miles through the snow in wales or englandshire(something he probably also did, in transport a tad more antiquated than the modern car or 4×4.)

    people are really saft these, has to be said! 😆

    Free Member

    so meanwhile when the road opens and your car is where ?

    Free Member

    Not necessarily, but if you put your foot in a hole hidden by snow and broke your ankle then your chances are not so good. Would you call the emergency services then?

    Free Member

    I certainly wouldn’t leave my car anywhere.
    Irresponsible and selfish is what it is.

    On the other hand it’s not bloody armageddon, so what you worrying about? 😆

    Full Member

    Road closed signs placed by police or highways need to be legally observed.

    Free Member

    Would you like the search and rescue invoice made out in your name?
    Its irresponsible and selfish.

    Free Member

    I will say to anyone who has to or decides to travel to take care and I hope they stay safe.

    I will be walking to the bank today! its a bit of a trek so will probably die of exposure now!

    Free Member

    Surely it will be a crap race as there will only be the 2 of you turning up, as sensible people will not be bothering 🙄

    Free Member

    I asked if road closed signs must be legally observed or not. It’s a simple question.

    Are you sure thats what you asked? Are you?

    The question is, if they close a road can you try and get through anyway?

    Free Member

    Road closed signs placed by police or highways need to be legally observed.

    Well, the copper seemed happy enough in my case.

    I certainly wouldn’t leave my car anywhere.
    Irresponsible and selfish is what it is.

    It is indeed. That’s why I didn’t (well, except back outside my house where I’d got it from in the morning). 🙂

    Full Member

    I didn’t ask if it was wise to do so, I’ll make my own decision.

    And for for those of you worrying, I would take precautions to get myself out of trouble if I got into it, I WOULD DEFINITELY NOT CALL THE EMERGENCY SERVICES.

    Are you for real? You’re assuming that everything is going to go just as you planned/prepared for? What happens when you have an accident and knock yourself out? How’re you going to walk out then? What happens when the car gets stuck in a snow drift that’s bigger then your ego/sense of self importance and then have to abandon it? Who’s going to dig it out/rescue it?

    Honestly…have a word with yourself, Molgrips!

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