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  • Reverb Woes
  • benjii19
    Free Member

    Rockshox Reverb about 18 months old, I’ve just bled it as return speed was looking very slow now it has quickened up but its not as fast as it could be.

    If the adjuster is on full slow the post wont go up at all. You have to turn the speed up. Could this be due to low pressure? maybe i need to bleed it a second time?

    Free Member

    I had similar issues with mine. Took it to the LBS for a bleed and it was as you explained, better but still not as fast as it should be. I rode it for a week then talked to the mechanic. He had another go and its as good as new now.

    I have had similar challenges with Avid brakes. It always takes me a few goes to get them sweet.

    Crank Cycles in Alton Hants deserve a plug here. Sam is a top guy!

    Full Member

    Did you bleed it with the speed adjuster wound right in/out (can’t remember which)?

    Free Member

    Wound in to full slow. Followed instructions word for word. Gonna try it again.

    Free Member

    Remove it from the bike, hang up in garage with lever at top, seatpost at bottom, and repeat the bleed process a couple of times.

    Free Member

    or simply raise the front of your bike 😆

    Free Member

    Does your hose straighten out when you raise your bike? Odd bike that!

    Free Member

    Likewise, took me two bleeds to get it right. straigtening hose of the bike is a good idea and make sure you pump through plenty of oil and knock the cable to free any air

    Free Member

    Had very similar problems. Was working fine, then would not return unless I had to pull it. Sometimes it would move a little but then stop.

    I bled it countless times and wasn’t getting anywhere. This time I bled slightly differently, instead of pushing fluid from both ends, I bled from one end only. I wound the speed adjuster in, then connected the bleed kits. The syringe on the bars was filled 3/4’s full and just about 1/5 full on the seatpost side. I then bled from the bars to the seatpost only. Once the syringe on the bars was just about empty, I swapped the two syringes over (keeping the hose part of the bleed kit still attached to the bleed ports). When reconnecting the syringe for on the remote side, I would then press the button. Pushing any air from my connection back into the syringe. I must have pushed through about 4 syringes full.

    I don’t know if the above would work with stale oil, I’ve bled it so many times recently that I knew all the oil inside was new. Though the above tips on having the hose straight makes lots of sense.

    I also found Juicy Lubes fork juice helps keep it running well

    Free Member

    Thanks for the tips. Turned out to be a rushed bleed the first time. Took my time and cycled the oil loads to make sure and bingo! It works!

    Free Member

    Assuming you don’t have weird/badly routed hose there should be absolutely no need for the hose to be perfectly straight.
    Why would there be?

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