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  • Reverb mount – need help/advice/solutions
  • somafunk
    Full Member

    My scott was running slx brakes with an xt shifter and the reverb position meant you had to move your grip position to depress the plunger which was not ideal….

    …So my solution was to buy XT brakes and Xtr shifter both ispec-ii which would get rid of the shifter window and declutter my bars/allow some adjustment of positions, all fitted and fine so far…..

    But the reverb is still not quite where i want it as the reverb clamp is butted right up to the top of the Xtr shifter – is there any aftermarket trick-bit reduced size clamp that will allow me move the reverb further over towards my grip?.

    It can’t be fitted to the left hand side of the bar as it contains the scott twinloc suspension lever and the control for the Bosch motor – there’s bound to be something out there but my google-fu is weak t’night.


    (and first one to say KS Lev get’s a slap 😉 …….I’ve had a KS Lev on my Cove Hummer for 2 years faultless use and i know the carbon remote lever would fit perfectly next to the grip but that’s a £260 solution for a small problem)

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    Free Member

    I have managed to to get one to sit next to an slx brake and ispec shifter but I do run my levers pretty much pointing at the ground. If you have 1x flip it upside down fit it on the other side

    Free Member

    Is the Scott twin lock lever the same as the Fox CTD one? If so I thought they could be moved to either side/top & bottom.

    I’d move that and put the Reverb under the bars on the left if it fits.

    Wouldn’t suggest the KS Lev with the standard grip lever anyway, it’s absolutely crap egonomically. The southpaw is decent though.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a similar set-up but within XT shifters – I carefully filed away some of the I-spec mount to get the reverb remote flush with the clamp. I haven’t got any pictures, but there was an MTBR thread I followed / I’ll try and find the link……

    Free Member

    I would put the reverb remote in between the grip and the brake lever . It means moving everything inboard a little but I find everything works well like that .

    Free Member

    As above, I can’t fit my remote on the left because of the fox remote so run mine on the right between grip and brake lever.

    Free Member

    Novyparts lever ?

    Full Member

    Not enough room on the left side as there is this, the fox twinloc suspension adjustment and the speed/info control for the Bosch CX motor

    If the remote for the Magura Vyron electronic dropper was smaller then i may have persuaded myself to buy one in a moment of late night alcohol fuelled web shopping madness but it’s pretty big and i doubt i’d be able to get it any closer than the reverb.

    Hob Nob : I quite like the teeny lever on my KS Lev, it’s preferable to the reverb one in my opinion, expensive fix for a small problem though so I guess i’ll take the dremel to the reverb clamp and the ispec-ii mount to try and gain a few mm to move it over.

    I noticed the novyparts lever a few days ago whilst searching for solutions but i doubt it’d get close enough on the right hand side due to the longer throw of the lever which would butt against the xtr shifter, it’s been described as roughly the distance a rear shift lever moves to shift up three gears

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