Someone – – greybeard– will know best as he is an actual structural engineer
Ha! To do actual structural engineering I’d need to know the type of blocks, height of wall above ground, type of resin, wind exposure, etc. But some thoughts (and assuming this is following on from the OP’s previous post):
The blocks will fail before the resin does, tension on the bolt just causes a cone of block to pull out. Near the edge it won’t even be a full cone. So no benefit in going deep, unless as singletrackmind suggests, you go into the next layer of blocks and anchor into those (you wouldn’t need resin all the way up). The weak point for blowing the fence over will probably be the first mortar joint down in the wall. But drilling through a full block depth and a bit, near the edge, you could split the block, so I would probably just drill 100mm into the top.
Consequences of failure should be a consideration – if the fence falls over in a gale, does it bend a couple of bushes? Or is the fence to stop your kids falling off a 3m drop on the far side of the wall?