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  • Replacing woeful NobbyNics with Highroller or Advantage?
  • yoshimi
    Free Member

    I've been using NobbyNics for a while and found that theyre a bit weak, I seem to rip sdide knobs off at will and overall pretty underwhelmed with them. Looking for something a bit tougher and was considering the Highroller or Advantage in 2.1" 62A Exception series – I'm tempted more by the Highrollers as I've had these on my old DH bike but in 2ply 2.5" DH versions and they were awesome – just dont know what they'd be like for XC. Anyone use them?

    Full Member

    Funny enough I'm the same.

    after riding both the 2.25 and 2.4 versions of NN they just don't offer the same level of grip as my 2.35 high rollers. I also find that it is a very narrow window WRT pressures. I have to run them very low or they seem to bounce off rocks and roots.

    I think the advantage 2.1 are like the HR 2.35 in size.

    The high rollers seem to be popular because they are a good all round tyre, i think the 2.35 single ply versions are better than the 2.1 IMHO. the 2.1's are very narrow.

    Free Member

    ADvantages don't have particularly tough sidewalls but they are very good all round tyres with good grip at any lean angle but can break away at high lean and clog up in mud. High rollers are tougher and also good, especially for wetter and looser conditions, but have a gap in grip until leant over. I use both but don't ride tires as skinny as 2.1 (14.5st and don't like having to run the high pressures I need for skinnier tyres), and certainly not the HR as they size up small anyway. Any Maxxis tyre harder than 60a on the front get a bit too exciting on anything other than bone dry track for my tastes.

    ADvantage 2.25s are light, fast rolling and all the knobs stay attached so why not go for them? If you want a faster rolling set up try a Crossmark 2.25 60a rear ADvantage 2.25 60a front. Comfy, fast and goes around corners.

    All my own opinions, your experience may differ!

    Full Member

    The other alternative are Minions in the 2.35 size.

    Free Member

    HR 2.35 60a single ply…

    dont worry about the grip gap… just chuck it hard over and it will hook up. if it does break it drifts nicely.

    Free Member

    Its only the rear I'm replacing at the moment but from what you have said I'm thinking the Advantage 62a 2.1 and when it comes to replacing the front I'm thinking a highroller 62a 2.35.

    Free Member

    How does the Ardent differ from the Advantage?

    Full Member

    I binned my Nobbynics and changed to advantage. They are ok, but I only got about 6 months out of the rear one.

    Free Member

    Try Bontrager Mud X 2.0, great tyres for all conditions.

    I was recommended them by my LBS and have been very impressed.

    Fast rolling, grippy and comfortable.

    Free Member

    lowey, which ones are ok and only lasted the 6 months – advantage or NN?

    Full Member

    I love the high rollers. I follishly listened to a bike shop guy who recommended replacing them for winter, and the winter replacements gripped worse.

    Seem to work on everything.

    Free Member

    If these things matter the 62a Exception 2.1 Advantage is nicely light at 525g (actual weight) for what is quite a solid tyre. I use this on the rear with a 60a 2.35 high roller on the front and find it good combination for general riding. The High Roller is nearer 700g but I like it.

    Racing Ralphs for racing mind, which aren't that much lighter than the Advantage but roll better. The 2.1 Exception High Rollers are indeed very small and don't share an identical tread pattern to the 2.35's. They are light at 495g though with quite a meaty carcass compared to the Racing Ralphs at 455g.

    Full Member

    Seems like a plan, only trouble being that Advantage are pretty shite tyres

    Free Member

    nickc – Member
    Seems like a plan, only trouble being that Advantage are pretty shite tyres

    +1. Fine if you're upright or leaning aggressively, but anything in between and they wash out horribly. One of my local trails became unrideable with Advantages. From another thread in the last couple of weeks I understand the HR's are similar.

    Just fitted some Minion 2.35 DHF 60A's front and back and well impressed in all conditions so far

    Free Member

    2.35 Larsen for the rear.

    Also I find the 2.1 NN's are very fragile compared even to the 2.25/2.4 versions.

    Full Member

    Danny, the Advantage that I put on the rear in October is nearly bald now. NO idea what 60 number it was. I dont even know what a 60 number is.

    The Nobby Nick that it replaced scared the shit out of me.

    Full Member

    The Nobby Nick that it replaced scared the shit out of me

    that will be the excuse for bad riding then 😆

    Full Member

    kenda nevegals, 2.35 on the front, 2.1 on the back. fan blinkin tastic :O)

    Full Member

    that will be the excuse for bad riding then

    And I'm sticking with it too.

    Free Member

    Advantage 2.1 60a Exception Kevelar – purchased

    Free Member

    Want cornering grip? Go with the 2.35 HR. Want to go quick with 'adequate' grip, go for the 2.1 HR. The 2.1s do blow up pretty small.

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