Home Forums Bike Forum Replacement freehub for deore hub?

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  • Replacement freehub for deore hub?
  • alfabus
    Free Member

    woohoo, my first post on the *new* forum :o)

    anyway; i need to replace the freehub on my girlfriend’s bike. Deore freehubs seem a bit shonky and hard to find replacments of. Can I stick an LX or an XT straight on there?

    Also, does anyone know if replacement ball bearings are easily obtainable?


    Free Member

    yes to both. (though you may find that steel deore/lx level cassettes will wear little grooves in an alloy xt freehub and make it a bit harder to remove later on) most lbs’s should have little packets of ball bearings for just that. For some reason i keep getting enough for 1 and a half hubs in the packet but that is fine for rear ones as i seem to wear out drive side ones fatster.

    though with so many bargain hubs around on crc/woolyhatshop it might actually work out cheaper to buy a whole hub and strip it for parts. I did this just the other day with an older style lx hub. that way you get some spare cones and seals for your trouble too.

    Free Member

    thanks :o)

    time for some shopping!


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