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  • Regular night rides around Winter Hill/Rivington?
  • GavinB
    Full Member

    Nice ride tonight guys – some great new trails that I never knew existed.


    Full Member

    Where did you lot get to ?

    Always on the look out for new stuff on my door step.

    Free Member

    So that is who I passed on the way back home last night, seemed a lot of bikes being got out of cars at the pub!

    Full Member

    The route…well, it would be hard to describe without a map (and I can't be bothered to plot it out – sorry), but we rode past Park Reservoir, then through some cool little trails down to Rivington Reservoir, then followed that up to Anglezarke Reservoir, round to Healey Nabb, then back south from there. So pretty low-level, but fast and flowy.

    Full Member

    That's ok, you can show us round before the christmas party 😉

    Free Member

    Sorry for the late post but I just read this,

    'Lowey is an alky'

    Can't Alky's drink a bit?

    Free Member

    junkyard and Donk usually ride every Wednesday starting from over your neck of the wood.

    Kingkongsfinger rides Thursdays I think, again from over your way, but he is a leg ripper.

    We ride most Thursdays (although not always) but we start from Sharples which is to'ther side of the hill to you. Also, If I'm completely honest, our mid week rides are really just a quick blast out then back to the pub for 5-6 pints or back home for a fire and Bottles of beer.
    Junkyard will be your best bet mate.

    I can P155 harder than him. 8)

    Free Member

    We are having our xmas ride either the 5th or the 19th. Will be decided tonight. If its the 19th Then its also Al's 60th and he's having a bit of a party at the pub.

    I would be about on the 5th, but the 19th for me will be a day of hoovering, mopping, dismantling and packing into boxes – Final move is 21st Dec. No matter, I'm sure I'll be in contact once I've re-settled in sunny Bolton 😉

    Full Member

    our mid week rides are really just a quick blast out then back to the pub for 5-6 pints or back home for a fire and Bottles of beer.

    Sounds great, but my ability to walk, let alone ride home would be stretched by your rides!! 😯

    @zokes – yup, keep us posted, as there's loads of folks riding on pretty much every night of the week here.

    Free Member

    We never go to the pub when we ride our bodies are temples and it messes with our training programmes 😉 but I suspect we will join Lowey for Xmas one …we do all ride together on STW northern meets and other outings.
    There are also some serious riders round here if you want to have your legs ripped apart and/or ride for miles on/off road with/without gears.

    Free Member

    We never go to the pub as Junkyard is usually limping home by the end of the ride 😉

    Free Member

    It is true I dont have the legs of the singlespeed Gods I ride with but I am working on it. Beer would not help.

    Full Member

    Unusually for us we went out last night and saw 2 other groups of about 4 riders each.

    Disastrous night of one of our lot. He went over the bars TWICE on San Marino, shagging his shoulder in the first time, we gingerly made our way down, me following making sure he was ok, and then 100 yards from the gate, right in front of 4 lads coming up, over he goes again, this time knackering he knee!!

    The biggest injury was sustained by myself though. My lip was bleeding from having to bite it to stop laughing. The flood gates opened at the bottom though, couldn't help myself.

    Full Member

    We never go to the pub as Junkyard is usually limping home by the end of the ride

    I suspect if I ever rode with you trio, I;d be crawling home on my hands and knees also 😯

    Full Member

    Sounds a bit of an epic Lowey! I'm guessing San Marino was pretty greasy after all the rain in the last few days?

    And I wouldn't worry about riding with Trio – she crawls along anyway. Something to do with having no gears… 😉

    Free Member

    San Marino has badly erroded over that last few weeks. I went down it in daylight for the first time in ages on Sunday and could not beleive how fast we go down it in the dark, not knowing seeing the pit falls etc.

    What you cant see cant hurt you I suppose. 😯

    Halfway down where you go right then left around a big mound a stream has changed direction and now just flows down the rest of the track/path right to the bottom, its now like riding down a river for the last few hundred metres, grim. This will also make them ruts even deeper by the day. 😯 😯

    Full Member

    Halfway down where you go right then left around a big mound a stream has changed direction and now just flows down the rest of the track/path right to the bottom, its now like riding down a river for the last few hundred metres, grim. This will also make them ruts even deeper by the day

    get out with a folding spade and get the water off the track

    Full Member

    I thought it was pretty good last night.

    Free Member

    Who names these places? For the 15 years I've been riding round there, it's always just been known to our group as "the big track down from the mast"….

    Full Member

    zokes – Member

    Who names these places? For the 15 years I've been riding round there, it's always just been known to our group as "the big track down from the mast"….

    well, I only realised last time that the restaurant at the bottom is named after an Italian principality…

    Free Member

    I have been riding it for 20 years and to me its called the "Wrights Arm's decent" as San Marino restaurant was a pub called "The Wrights Arms" before hand and thats where the decent ends, roughly.

    nbt, As for a folding spade, think it needs a bit more than that. 😡

    NWW spent a mint about 8 years ago and completely re did the path, when they finished it was so smooth you could literally fly down it without using the brakes, very scary as the waterbars where severe and if you caught one with any wheel you were a passenger heading for SHIT STREET !! 😀

    Free Member

    I have been riding it for 20 years and to me its called the "Wrights Arm's decent"


    Wright's Arms was a good pub, back in the day when….

    A good place to take someone else's woman, as it was just a bit off the beaten track.

    IIRC the track was upgraded to a permissive bridleway, that's why the upgrading work was done. Unfortunately the permission stops at the gate/stile near the TV masts, meaning that you can legally only go up and down from the bottom. Strange but true.

    Free Member

    Likewise the ICR – For the most part, it's just "that rocky path". Clearly our group were never particularly imaginative.

    I did have to laugh upon hearing the slabs at the pike being referred to as "The Eliminator" by some rad doods with DH rigs…

    Full Member

    get out with a folding spade and get the water off the track

    I'll see what I can do this weekend, as it must be bad if its still streaming as bad as it was a couple of weeks ago when I was there with BWD.

    Free Member

    Likewise the ICR

    The official name for ICR is George's Lane. It continues all the way past the pigeon loft and the kennels to Montcliffe. It is still legally a road, that's why the 4×4 men churn it up, and nobody can stop them.

    Free Member

    The official name for ICR is George's Lane. It continues all the way past the pigeon loft and the kennels to Montcliffe. It is still legally a road, that's why the 4×4 men churn it up, and nobody can stop them.

    I know this. Not really that much of a problem, even 4×4 drivers need somewhere to practise their hobby, and it makes it more interesting for us, both up and down….

    Free Member

    I know this. Not really that much of a problem, even 4×4 drivers need somewhere to practise their hobby, and it makes it more interesting for us, both up and down….

    Don't think they damage the trail at all. They just keep re-arranging the bits, so that every descent is a new challenge.

    Full Member

    Who names these places?

    Me. It is my land after all.

    Free Member

    You would be fine riding with me, I am pretty slow! But I need training in the beer drinking to ride with you.

    Free Member

    Slow possibly BUT what is your record distance off road on the singlespeed then feeble lady 😉 *

    Yes Lowey names them 🙄

    * Trio did the Kielder 100 and was the first female single speeder to finish and 3rd female. NUTTER

    Free Member

    Me. It is my land after all.

    I refute that! 😉

    Those are MY hills!

    Full Member

    How very dare you. This matter must be resolved in the only way possible. Drinking contest in the Bull followed by ugly fist fight on the steps to confirm ownership

    Free Member

    lowey – Member
    How very dare you. This matter must be resolved in the only way possible. Drinking contest in the Bull followed by ugly fist fight on the steps to confirm ownership

    Right im ready for a fist fight as I claim them there hills, rode them for 20 + years and the beer well they dont call me "two can van damme" for nowt you know, bring it on, Oh mines half a shandy 😳 😆 !!!

    Full Member

    I'll take the drinking contest with you mate. I've seen the bloody size of you.

    And I;ve been riding em since 87 and walking em since the 70's There mine, all mine mwwahhhhh mwwahhhhh

    Free Member

    Top blast tonight chaps. The descent into White Coppice from Great Hill was "interesting" 😀

    Free Member

    How very dare you. This matter must be resolved in the only way possible. Drinking contest in the Bull followed by ugly fist fight on the steps to confirm ownership

    There won't be any need for the fist fight after the drinking contest – the steps'll do for you anyway! 😉

    I guess I've only been riding them since I was 10 or so (16 years ago), but I've certainly walked them since the very early 80s! Seeing as I was born in 83, I'm not totally sure I can be expected to have walked them since before my conception!

    I'm looking forward to rediscovering my old haunts after an all-too-long hiatus in boring snowdonia 😉

    Free Member

    Lowey, KKf. How about handbags at the top, and a race to the bottom, loser buy's beer and the winner names it, i'll just refer to it as belmont descent. 😆

    Full Member

    Careful Dave, i might post "that" picture up!

    Free Member

    please do 😆
    How about a race up it ?

    Free Member

    How about a race up it ?

    After said drinking competition?

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