If you can’t see this they you are very very stupid. Look at Argentina and the mess they got into , I just wondered when the money printing will start?
Yes exactly, why don’t you look at Argentina alwyn ❗
It was the Conservatives in Argentina with their loopy right-wing "free-market" policies which screwed up the Argentine economy. It was years of privatisation, deregulations, and finally tight (IMF mandated) government spending, which led to the catastrophic collapse of it’s economy and the greatest debt default in human history.
Then at the height of the crises in May 2003 Nestor Kirchner become President of Argentina. Immediately he abandoned the failed right-wing policies and embarked on a classic ‘Old Labour’ type programme. Since 2003 there has been widespread re-nationalisation, tight regulations reintroduced, and massive government spending.
For five consecutive years (between 2003 and 2007) the Argentine economy grew by at least 8.5% a year. Unemployment fell from over 20% in 2002 to around 8% now. Poverty fell from 55% in 2002 to 18% now.
Of course Argentina will be effected by the global recession, she can’t do much about shrinking markets for her exports for example, but the Argentine economy still managed to grow by 7% in 2008, which is a long way from recession.
And also of course, how she would now be riding this global recession if she was still following the failed Conservative policies which caused her catastrophic collapse in the first place, doesn’t bear thinking.
Yes indeed, look at Argentina.