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  • Rear Suspension measurements
  • crustygoods
    Free Member


    How do you measure a rear shock so you can buy an upgrade??

    I am new to full sus rigs (old school hardtail previously), but wanting to upgrade. In order to upgrade the rear shock, I need to work out the size to order …… HELP!


    Free Member

    eye to eye (c-c) measurement (when uncompressed) and travel stroke I think are the main ones.

    Full Member

    you need two numbers, eye to eye (centres) and stroke length. ie 190mm i2i, 50mm stroke is a popular one.

    Free Member

    hi was thinking the same question the other day

    can do it the top way, after working out how far it compresses
    but suppose you can measure the eye 2 eye length of both compressed and extended and the difference is surely your stroke length

    Free Member

    FANTASTIC – Thanks guys

    Free Member

    What bike is it ?

    Free Member

    the i2i length with the stroke length are a start but you also need to know the width of the shock eyelet and the internal width of the frame mounting points where the new shock is going to sit(incase you buy a different brand of shock, because manitou and fox use a different diameter eyelet so therefore you would need new bushes to fit)

    have a look here…it explains everything you need to know



    Eye to eye (mm) with percentage sag
    Eye to Eye x Stroke 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%
    6.5 x 1.5" 165 x 38mm 157 155 153 151 149 147 145
    7.5 x 2.0" 190 x 50mm 180 177.5 175 172.5 170 167.5 165
    7.875 x 2.0" 200 x 50mm 190 187.5 185 182.5 180 177.5 175
    7.875 x 2.25" 200 x 57mm 188 185 183 180 177 174 171
    8.5 x 2.5" 216 x 63mm 203 200 197 194 191 187 184
    8.75 x 2.75" 222 x 71mm 208 204 200 197 193 189 186
    9.0 x 2.75" 230 x 71mm 218 214 210 207 203 199 196
    9.5 x 3.0" 241 x 76mm 226 222 218 214 210 206 203

    Free Member

    Its a small Norco Fluid LT3 (2008). Got a Fox DHX Air 3.0 at the mo

    Full Member

    Fisher Outdoor Leisure
    Phone: +44 1727 798345
    Email: sales@fisheroutdoor.co.uk

    Think they are distributed by Fishers, ask them for exact details.

    Free Member

    worth phoning mojo to find out what compression and rebound tune works best with your shock as well as each one comes with three levels of tune depending on your frame, i have two turner 5 spots one with push (long) rockers and one with stock rockers and the pushed one works better with a high tune and the stock one works best with a medium tune, worth a phonecall to find out imo

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