There is quite a lot of good stuff on R4 Extra, but that’s because it’s old stuff from when R4 was much better.
Thats what makes it all the worse. The classic shoes are just so good, which stands in stark contrast to the utter bilge they’re been churning out recently.
It may be me being a chippy northerner but I do get the impression with the ‘comedy’ that the commissioning revolves around is which one of their mates offspring have just graduated from Footlights and is looking for work, but nobody else is interested as its utter rubbish.
If you’re looking for stuff to listen to on BBC Sounds, personally I find Five Live the default. Some of their documentaries are absolutely fantasticly detailed and indepth. Two good places to start
End of Days about David Koresh and Waco
Things Fell apart – Strange tales from the culture wars by Jon Ronson