I was scheduled for a routine operation last March, went to hospital for pre surgery checks and they said “oh your BP is high – if it’s this high in 2 weeks time for your op, we’ll have to cancel.”
Did what I could to lower it, completely cut out drinking etc. Went back 2 weeks later and if anything it was even higher. Op postponed. Saw the GP, they were like “well it’s the upper end of normal but not high, nothing we can do”.
Hospital adamant that they weren’t going to operate with it that high, GP adamant that it was high but not bad.
Eventually, I had the op courtesy of them dosing me up with something – can’t remember what now but it worked wonders at lowering my BP!
Anyway, it’s been monitored since then; it’s normally around 140/95 or so which the GP thinks is “high end of normal” but not high enough to prescribe anything. 🤔