Home Forums Bike Forum Quantocks – Ticks advice

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  • Quantocks – Ticks advice
  • dexa
    Full Member

    long weekend looming, what is the current status of Ticks. I have one can of Smidge, will it be enough….!

    Full Member

    I’ve only been to Qs a couple of times this summer, but I live over near Woodbury Common and we tend to get a similar number of ticks over this way.

    Last year was Tick-o’geddon, but this year I’ve found hardly any.

    I always carry a tick-key on my keys, best solution I’ve found for removing them.

    Full Member

    Similarly we seem to have had less ticks here too – about an hour south of the q’s. I’ve only pulled a few off the dog this year and I’ve caught maybe one or two on me. Previous years it’s been very different.

    Tick hook is an essential item. The one I got from pets at home lives on my keys. The o-tom tick twisters are at home. You need the small ones for ‘really’ small ones.

    I don’t remember the quantocks being too bad for ticks and I used to ride there a lot.

    Free Member

    Not picked up any this year and neither has anyone I ride with.

    Full Member

    Many thanks for the comments, sounds as though we will be ok. this year.

    I used to ride on Woodbury Common and up to Mutters Moor, lived the other side of Exeter, now living on the Ridgeway. The ticks were always bad on Dartmoor. Tick hook is always in the bag along with a can of Smidge.

    Thanks again.

    Full Member

    Can’t tell you about the Quantocks but I’ve spent the week in the New Forest and it’s riddled with them this year. The same for Devon and South Somerset. Seems that a mild winter and hot weather has them out in force everywhere I’ve been.

    Full Member

    To date, I have not had a single tick this year despite riding in shorts all tick season in Cornwall, Devon, Quantocks, FoD, Carmarthenshire, Mid Wales, Long Mynd, Traws and elsewhere in Eryri, Denbigh moors, Eastern and central Lake District, North Lakes too. Nothing in Malham area either.

    I usually forget to ‘Smidge up’ but I do like marmite on toast, a lot.

    Correlation does not imply causation.

    Full Member

    Layered defence – Smidge to repell, Permethrin to kill

    Full Member

    Live in Holford… we were picking up 2 per day from the dog and one a week from each of us in early spring, but next to nothing the last few months… the change is dramatic

    Full Member

    Marmite on toast every day until our trip to Triscombe in the Quantocks, sounds like good advice…!  Lots of Smidge mist on the nether regions, and we will be champion.  Always top advice from the STW community

    Bloody love this forum.

    Full Member

    I’ve spent the week in the New Forest and it’s riddled with them this year. The same for Devon and South Somerset. Seems that a mild winter and hot weather has them out in force everywhere I’ve been.

    Thanks to Zerocool for taking one/many for the team :-)

    Full Member

    Watching with interest as I’m going to be riding in the Quantocks soon (IYKYK) ;-)

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