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  • Quadruple Espresso
  • choron
    Free Member

    Zing – and the jetlag is gone

    That is all.

    Full Member

    see you in about 3hrs, when you’ve stopped shitting 😆

    Full Member

    I’d get the shakes. It wouldn’t be nice. A double is my limit.

    Free Member

    Quadruple espresso + a bran muffin = 😯

    Full Member

    Temporary solution, I reckon once the come down kicks it you’ll be face down on the keyboard!

    Free Member

    Hmm, have quite a “heroic” caffeine tolerance, but hadn’t considered the possibility of several hours of shitting.

    Still, too late now (although work might be interesting).

    Free Member

    haha – i remember in houston going out on the town with some locals – getting in at 6am and realising i had to be up for class in an hour.

    that day was the worst day of my life – ive felt better after riding my bike for 24 hours. Even with copious ammounts of caffiene i was a semi concious nodding dog.

    Good luck !

    Free Member

    I remember once mixing Dr. Pepper with instant coffee after an all nighter at uni, got me through to lunch at least.

    Free Member

    Quick update: no flocks of pigeons yet, but shaving in the shower with this much caffeine in you is a dangerous affair.

    Free Member

    I was my monday morning tipple a few years ago too!

    Quad power was just the thing to get me to the pool before work, but as stated above, there were a few bob issues, that followed.

    Tried it once before a peaks epic, now thats not a smart move!!!

    Free Member

    4x espresso = hypervigiliant startled squirrel. Avoid busy high streets.

    Free Member

    I once had to go into work for an afternoon after a HEAVY weekend in Amsterdam. Straight fom the airport to my desk. I sat for four hours just squeezing my mouse and staring. Think middle stages of rabies. When I walked to the loo, I felt like I had giant car washing sponges on the soles of my feet.

    It was horrible. No amount of espresso would have helped that day.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Found out that a colleague of mine’s morning coffee consists of four teaspoons of Nescafe that is dissolved by…a triple shot of espresso and a thimbleful of hot water. Mental.

    Free Member

    “Found out that a colleague of mine’s morning coffee consists of four teaspoons of Nescafe that is dissolved by…a triple shot of espresso and a thimbleful of hot water. Mental.”

    does he run round the office pretending to be a cop ala bill bailey in black books ?

    Free Member

    Two more cups of this coffee and a double macchiato from here[/url]. Feeling quite immortal now, although increasingly psychedelic.

    When the crash comes it’ll be quite spectacular.

    Also, I’m not quite the hypersquirrel type, more along the lines of the crack fox:

    Full Member

    You might also want to consider eating something, a) to reduce the shakes and b) cause I find snacking also helps with jetlag.
    Even then I’ll find myself coming to at my desk having been in a reverie for a good 10 minutes or so…

    Free Member

    Slightly off topic; has anyone tried Ephedrine?
    I’m informed it’s good for energy/alertness pre-workout. Probably good for hangovers too?

    Free Member

    “put me to sleep with your kind boots Mr Fancyman.”

    crack fox is amazing

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