Righty ho, resurrected for those interested in the conditions >> ” over there ” >>
I’ve just come back from a hack around and have to say its damp and a bit boggy in the undergrowth. There’s a few sections where the sun and wind are on it and its drying out nicely, but these are South Facing sections only. In the top of the woods ( parallel to the A3 on the Red Route ) it’s horrible. It’s very damps and boggy and some sections are better left alone at the mo, or walk past them. Roots are exposed and slippy, burm bottoms are claggy and gloop.
Once up on the top of the hill it’s actually quite pleasant, dry and a bit tacky.
The route to the Gnarr Downhilly bit is peaty bog until you hit the South Facing side where it drys up a bit. Over the top of the other hill towards the long speedy decent it’s ok, ok until you hit the burm bottoms and then it’s claggy and gloopyest.
But, but the good thing is its drying out nicely, give it a couple of days and it’ll be back to how it was last week I recon.
Have fun, say hi as you wiz past.
Nice to see 5 folks out today 😀