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  • PSA Redbull Stratos on now
  • CaptainFlashheart
    Free Member

    🙂 Hope you had the trip you both deserve! 🙂

    Sunny over here now! Well it would be if it wasn’t nearly ten pm! 🙂

    Free Member

    it was great 🙂 feel quite bad that every time somebody asks me about it i’m too spaced out from jet lag to show any enthusiasm about it at the moment!

    Free Member


    I had to be all sensible and serious within hours of getting to Vegas. You’ve got it easy!

    Anyway, threadjack over! 🙂

    Free Member

    back to jumpy people….

    a question for the people posting on the thread with anything but awe for the achievement…. would you do it? could you go that high then step of the ledge?

    watching the footage i feel quite detached and a little bit ‘meh’ about it, but when i actually think about if i could do it instead of comparing it to other human achievements and stuff it hits a little harder about what he did. i struggle with looking over balconies despite having bungee jumped, abseiled and wall/rockclimbed and there’s no way i could bring myself to step off that ledge

    Free Member

    a question for the people posting on the thread with anything but awe for the achievement…. would you do it? could you go that high then step of the ledge?

    I was thinking about this angle too. Given the right circumstances (opportunity, good life insurance, not being a father) I’d give it a shot and I think this is why I’m not as impressed as others. There are many feats of human endeavour that I wouldn’t dream of replicating, but this isn’t one of them. However I DO think I’d be making a sicky mess of that helmet if I started spinning like that 🙂

    Free Member

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