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  • Prostate – tests, checks and concerns
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    I start 20 radiation treatment for it tomorrow, M-F for 4 weeks, back in July, night before I was due to fly out to ride the Maratona dles Dolomities, I had an issue with Urinary retention, ended up in hospital then spent a fortnight with a catheter,  subsequently had a series of scans and a biopsy to then be told I had locally advanced prostrate cancer, in two pelvis lymph nodes as well as prostrate, it was a bit of a shock to say the least, but looking forward to getting through the treatment, the Hot Flushes from the Hormone reducing pills/injections are somewhat interesting.

    Free Member

    I’m already in the screening thing, awaiting the results of an MRI with a normalish PSA ATM.

    , good to see you’re in the pink.

    Full Member

    I visited the doc a few weeks ago on another matter, but as my auld man has had prostrate cancer,  I thought I’d ask for a PSA test as I’m in my mid 50’s.

    Came back clear, however I’ve now had repeated blood tests for other stuff…..

    I’ll probably ask for a test annually now or if I notice any symptoms from the IPSS questionnaire.

    Full Member

    @Shak47 – best of luck on your treatment journey.

    it’s great seeing this subject into it’s second page, STW at it’s absolute best.  wish i could add a thumbs up !

    Free Member

    My Dad was undiagnosed for some time – kept being told he had UTI and ultimately ended up with catheter. Did some more test and guess what – prostate cancer.

    Ultimately was not contained within the prostate so various courses of radiotherapy after the prostate removal including for a hot-spot in his spine. He is currently on hormone treatment and monitored via PSA levels and various scans.

    Due to the obvious family history and some other symptoms, I now get PSA and physical check every 6 months and have had MRI previously. My prostate is enlarged but PSA has been stable at ~ 2.4 over the last year after showing increases over time. My Dad is 77, I’m 57.

    Full Member

    What a great thread. I’ve been dithering about this for some time, in 58. I’m now in the system.

    I went to my gp with a sore testicle. He asked for blood tests, including PSA and an ultrasound . He added psa due my dad having an enlarged prostate

    The ultrasound confirmed the problem was the weight of an enlarged vain. It’s not serious, the soreness is the extra weight. Currently the symptoms have gone as i pull my knickers up tighter. The ultra sound technician asked to do bladder and kidneys as a follow up. This showed my bladder not fully emptying and an enlarged prostate. My psa was slightly raised at 4.7. The gp did a finger test and says in should retest psa in 3 to 6 months. Top tip in not cycling.

    3 gp appointments, blood tests and 2 ultrasounds in under 5 weeks. The NHS does work sometimes

    Except for the ones whose lives are saved and their family & friends. I don’t know the numbers (or how prostrate cancer testing/outcomes compares with say, cervical cancer screening) but currently I’m seeing a lot of posters up in male loos about prostrate cancer & encouraging men to be aware of symptoms & to go for tests.

    The message “If you have symptoms get tested” seems to fit the advice. But i do see the message “Get tested” which is less helpful. As other have said testing can do more harm than good. Some people have their health damaged or even die from treatment they don’t need. I heard a brilliant analysis on the radio on the effect of some women not being invited for breast screening. It’s not clear that the missed invitations will result in more deaths. I think cancer charities can feel a pressure to act, whether the action has proven success or not


    Cervical cancer screening is a big life saver. If you have a chance to influence some one to participate then do so.

    Free Member

    Good luck to all who are getting things sorted.

    I went a few weeks ago for a check up as I’d been having some problems peeing.Finger up the bum and a test. Slightly enlarged prostate but tests were ok. Still got issues peeing so back to the Docs in Nov to see what can be done.

    Full Member

    Thanks Ian, been useful reading about your journey through this.

    Free Member

    Thanks to all who’ve shared what must be an horrible experience.

    Lots of good advice ^^, as one who pees during the night, sometimes too frequently, my GP has said that he’s happy to test as often as necessary

    Taken me a long time time to see the clever name of the I-PSS test.

    I wish that it was 1-PSS, rather than 3-PSS, but fortunately it’s controllable for me by drinking less later 🙂

    Don’t forget that men can get breast cancer as well as testicular so cop-a-feel in the shower 🙂

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