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  • Professional CV’s?
  • lobby_dosser
    Free Member

    Any thoughts on them? are they worth it and if yes, any recommendations for good companies?

    Full Member

    may be able to help you with apostrophes?? sorry couldn’t resist 😉

    Free Member

    see, i need all the help i can get 🙂

    Full Member

    Ok seriously. I would get a book there’s plenty out there offering good sound advice, check what’s standard in the area you are applying for. E.g. academic CVs are pages long with publications galore, whereas industry (again a very broad generalisation) prefer concise two pagers. Then find people/ friends/ relatives anyone who has experience of recruitment and get them to have a look see at your structure and content. Also you could always send it in to one of those CV clinics (I think the Guardian newspaper does it). Be prepared to tailor it each time you apply for a job to make sure your most relevant experience/ qualities are highlighted.

    That’s a long way of saying, don’t pay someone else to do it, it’s always obvious to the recruiter and if you do the above you’ll make a better job of it yourself.

    Happy writing!

    Free Member

    Oh and don’t forget to lie, lots.

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