Home Forums Bike Forum Problems with Hayes mag hd’s

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  • Problems with Hayes mag hd’s
  • oblique
    Free Member

    i have an old (03ish) set of hayes mag hd’s and for a while i have had problems with the pistons not returning fully or equally causing rub. this has got too bad to put up with now so does anyone have any ides on how to solve this or are they dead?

    Free Member

    my older model hfx 9s are the same, i found that taking the grub screw thing out – so that oil can esacpe, and then pushing pistons back in worked well. it lets out a bit of fluid so that the pistons can recede.

    otherwise get some disc cleaner, take wheel/pads out and pull the lever gently to expose some of the piston, then spray disc cleaner so that the backs of the pistons get cleaned. rinse well to knock any cr4p off and that should help too

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