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  • Prince Andrew, what a cowardly little ****.
  • Blackflag
    Free Member

    “Prince Andrew must really be sweating now…. or not sweating, like some kind of Schrodingers nonce”

    ha ha ha ha

    Full Member

    Prince Andrew loses military titles and patronages, and will no longer be called HRH

    Ha ha ha

    Free Member

    BBC News – Prince Andrew loses military titles and patronages

    Well I guess that answers that question

    Full Member

    If I understand correctly, she has to show that the Royal Lying Git

    a) knew that she was being trafficked
    b) that she was under the legal age for sex in the country where the sex happened

    It would have been fairly easy for his legal team if he’d just admitted having sex with her to show that as he’s such an entitled prick that he wouldn’t question at all an attractive young woman wanting to have sex with him, he’s a prince after all.

    Free Member

    Prince Andrew loses military titles and patronages, and will no longer be called HRH

    I wonder how much they’ll shun him? Or will they leave him out in the cold for a bit before finding a way for him to redeem himself

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    Full Member

    Or will they leave him out in the cold for a bit before finding a way for him to redeem himself

    I would think thats a lost cause. Its not really a major change from the last couple of years though since he was being hidden away anyway. Just formalising the fact there is no obvious way back.

    Full Member

    They don’t give a flying **** about what he has done, they have known for years, this has been rumbling on for over a decade.

    This is about protecting the royal family from the ongoing publicity which they now fear has a realistic chance of damaging their power and influence.

    They are **** scum.

    Full Member

    I would think thats a lost cause. Its not really a major change from the last couple of years though since he was being hidden away anyway. Just formalising the fact there is no obvious way back.

    Yep, the Royal family is actually not as out of touch as we think they are

    Full Member

    Guessing there’s a reason why having him without titles is beneficial for the current trial, can’t see the Queen requesting, or Andrew handing back his titles for any other reason.

    Will be interesting to see how this plays out, seems a bit of a weird timing and thing to do, unless his daughters are in line to take over, or similar?

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    I’m looking forward to a future series of The Crown!

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    HMP Nonce Andrew

    Free Member

    With charles next for the top job there will be no way back for andrew; this fits perfectly with charles’ reported wish to slim down the monarchy.
    andrew’s daughters aren’t in line to take over anything.

    Full Member


    If he loses the case(which is likely) that indicates a crime has been committed. So do the UK police then have the authority to act upon those crimes and charge him with sex offences.

    It doesn’t matter if he was abroad at the time, a crime committed by a British national abroad is still a crime under British law, especially sex crimes.

    On the sex offenders register for sure, and forced to undertake a sex offenders course in admitting the guilt and understanding that they, not the victim are the ones at fault.

    Full Member

    edit: bindun

    Full Member

    If he loses the case(which is likely) that indicates a crime has been committed. So do the UK police then have the authority to act upon those crimes and charge him with sex offences.

    It doesn’t matter if he was abroad at the time, a crime committed by a British national abroad is still a crime under British law, especially sex crimes.

    On the sex offenders register for sure, and forced to undertake a sex offenders course in admitting the guilt and understanding that they, not the victim are the ones at fault.

    The criminal threshold for evidence is much higher than the civil threshold in this trial, so unlikely, I’d have thought.

    Full Member


    With thanks to the Ullapool News


    Free Member

    “On the sex offenders register for sure, and forced to undertake a sex offenders course in admitting the guilt and understanding that they, not the victim are the ones at fault.”

    There goes shelf stacking in Slough Morrisons…

    Free Member

    Can the mods change the title of this thread as it’s out-of-date😁

    Full Member

    understanding that they, not the victim are the ones at fault

    The problem with people like Maxwell, Epstein, Andrew, is that they don’t even register their victims as being real humans, let alone a a victim. How can they be at fault of anything if there isn’t a victim?

    Their arrogance is so off the scale that their personality is skewed beyond every measure that is normal to most of us. They simply do not have the ability to care about people they regard as unconnected to, or beneath them.

    Full Member

    If he’s not prosecuted here she’ll definitely be rewarded with a gong, Lady Dick.

    Full Member

    For him to be prosecuted in the UK would need some really strong evidence coming out of the US civil case.  I see it as highly unlikely

    I think the most likely thing is he will refuse to engage with the US process, be found liable in his absence, refuse to pay the compensation and will never be able to leave the UK again because there will be an international arrest warrent out for him for non payment of the judgement.

    Free Member

    Good reasoning TJ but can a civil judgement give rise to an arrest warrant?

    Full Member

    Dunno for sure but how else do you enforce judgement?  If you lose a civil case and have a cash judgement against you?  maybe contempt?

    good point tho

    Full Member

    I’m struggling to see how this announcement harms him. As far as I can tell all the has happened is that he doesn’t have to do any work and isn’t allowed in the family fancy dress box on parades day. He will still be supported financially by us as I don’t supposed a navy pension can fund his general life let alone the legal bill he is running up.

    Full Member

    The Andrew formerly known as Prince.

    Full Member

    The problem with people like Maxwell, Epstein, Andrew, Trump, is that they don’t even register their victims as being real humans, let alone a a victim. How can they be at fault of anything if there isn’t a victim?

    Their arrogance is so off the scale that their personality is skewed beyond every measure that is normal to most of us. They simply do not have the ability to care about people they regard as unconnected to, or beneath them.


    Free Member

    @tjagain it’s been a while but from memory you can enforce judgements in foreign jurisdictions through their courts and enforcement procedures.

    Full Member

    you can enforce judgements in foreign jurisdictions through their courts and enforcement procedures.

    That’ll make for a cracking episode of “Can’t pay? We’ll take it away!”

    Free Member

    chrismac – suggest you read up on how andrew is funded; start with the sovereign grant fund.

    Free Member

    Their arrogance is so off the scale that their personality is skewed beyond every measure that is normal to most of us. They simply do not have the ability to care about people they regard as unconnected to, or beneath them.

    What is normal and aren’t we all guilty of this? I mean how much do you really care about people dying in the Chinese ethnic purge? Are you shouting about this, writing to your MP, boycotting? On do you sleep soundly at night not caring about them as you don’t see yourself connected to them in the same way these people didn’t care?

    Free Member

    dB- that’s a good point and well made.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    I’m struggling to see how this announcement harms him. As far as I can tell all the has happened is that he doesn’t have to do any work and isn’t allowed in the family fancy dress box on parades day. He will still be supported financially by us as I don’t supposed a navy pension can fund his general life let alone the legal bill he is running up.

    I get where you are coming from but you have to consider what it’s like for someone of his character. He just doesn’t see the world through normal eyes.

    He won’t be poor of course but the life of jetting around the world as a playboy/ want to be power broker are gone. He’ll be a social pariah, constantly on guard for anything that can be construed as further scandal. Fully aware that even those that are pleasant to his face likely despise him. Imagine someone like him seeing even just the hint of revulsion in the eyes of a servant, a mere robot put on earth to serve him. It will be a thousand deaths.

    He has never known a life with restrictions in the way normal people do.

    He will see it as a prison, made worse in his mind because he will genuinely believe he is the victim.

    He knows there is no coming back from this, its a life sentence.

    Would I sooner see him in real prison if guilty, yes but this will have to do.

    Free Member

    Metro headline…Throne Out.
    Love it.

    Free Member

    They don’t give a flying **** about what he has done, they have known for years, this has been rumbling on for over a decade.

    This is about protecting the royal family from the ongoing publicity which they now fear has a realistic chance of damaging their power and influence.

    They are **** scum.


    Full Member

    Against the grain, and he might be evil personified for all I know, but you know – evidence, an actual trial, stuff like that?

    Full Member

    an actual trial

    That’s a good idea.

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    Full Member
    Against the grain, and he might be evil personified for all I know, but you know – evidence, an actual trial, stuff like that?

    Andrew seems rather unwilling to go that route.

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