I mean, look at this… thing. Just look at it.
Horrible, isn’t it?
Haha – from the bloke who doesn’t drive
I’ve had the misfortune to sit in some of these jalopies, nasty cheap poorly made crap fell apart why don’t you see hardly any of them any more, like you do Beetles and Minis and that? I’ll tell you why; it’s because they’re so shit they’re not worth keeping on the road or indeed keeping at all. Scrapping’s the best thing for ’em heaps of junk.
And you’ve obviously never driven owt decent if you think some of those are good cars…
(of course you can still have an opinion on aesthetics though)
Well durr! That goes without saying. Had I bin designing cars in’t Eighties, we’duv not had to suffer such eyesores. I was too young though and not interest in cars I preferred girls…