I saw Pacific Rim on an aeroplane, and probably missed some of the subtlety of the dialogue and the grandeur of the cinematography as a result.
The audacity of it appealed to me though: in the first 3 minutes, you’re told that monsters are erupting out of the Pacific Ocean from another dimension, that this went on for a while until humanity developed massive, punchy robots to fight them, and that this was going pretty sweet until recently. You then have 2 hours of robots punching monsters, culminating in one of the robots jumping into the other dimension and destroying what appears to be a confused alien owl with a nuclear bomb, before somehow parachuting back up into the real world.
Also, I loved The Gray, which is truly, utterly terrible. It was like an interminable, 2 hour strip-tease, which stopped just at the very second that Liam Neeson was about to glass a wolf with a tiny bottle from a minibar.