Home Forums Bike Forum Polished/shiny alloy rims?

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  • Polished/shiny alloy rims?
  • leelovesbikestoo
    Free Member

    Who’s doing them at the moment? Looking for XC 32H around 400g, non-UST.

    I believe Spank are bringing out some chrome-look alloy rims, but more for jump and maybe a bit heavy for XC.

    Failing that what silver alloy rims are good at the moment for a 12st XC jeyboy that doesn’t jump? I’ve been using X717s for the past 3 years without any trouble (or truing).

    Free Member

    Dunno about polished, I keep an eye out for couloured rims and only ever see the wide jump type rims in anything other than black and dull silver..

    Could maybe just rub the anodizing off the main face of a 717 and polish it up to see how it looks? be a nightmare trying to do a whole rim though and would tarnish quite quickly.

    Got some nice pimpy anodized spoke nipples built onto my last wheel build though.. 🙂

    Free Member

    Hehe they’re not purple are they? I’m guessing you rode in the 90s 😆

    I’m getting some polished hubs and want polished rims and silver nipples but the rim’s giving me headaches. Why are Mavic only doing UST 717s in black?

    Hand-polishing some black Mavics would be a great idea, but I don’t have access to the materials/equipment, the cash, or the time and effort!

    Free Member

    Buy some new rims and take them to a local industrial polishers. Don’t forget to get them clear coated. It’ll probably cost alot less and look alot better than something you can buy off the shelf.

    Free Member

    solamanda is right,but I would still only think about polishing the main face of the rim though…

    For a DIY job you can remove the anodizing with fine wet and dry and re polish it with solvol autosol…

    ps no I wanted Gold rims. I know, I am weird.

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