First may I set the scene: The little electric heater in the downstairs toilet packs up so we have to buy a replacement. A simple like for like replacement 800w panel heater I think.
I am away on work for a couple of days so tell the wife I will pick one up at the weekend and fit it. I return home on Friday to find a different heater in a box in the front hall. Apparently she couldn’t wait all week for me to finally get one at the weekend (but could wait for me to fit it?). It is a little 400w heater with no thermostat which I suggest might not be up to the job, wrong thing to say so I have to fit it anyway.
Fast forward a couple of weeks and that heater that I had fitted is rubbish and needed changing! This is where the translation bit comes in:
She says “Where did you put the receipt?”
I Say “I didn’t buy it, I don’t know where the receipt is”
She says “Where did you put the receipt?”
I Say “Perhaps it was in the box?”
She says “I have thrown the box away, where is the receipt?”
I Say “Thrown away?”
She says “I wouldn’t throw away the receipt”
She says “Where did you put the receipt?”
I Say “It was only £40, let’s just get a heater that works”
She says “Where did you put the receipt?”
I Say “…”
Any idea what she wants to hear when She says “Where did you put the receipt?”