I’ve owned 8 cameras.
1) A 110 plastic thing I had when I was about 8. You could buy a stick of ten single-use flash bulbs that you stuck in the top. That was cool.
2) A generic 35mm compact, built in flash tho.
3) My dad’s Chinon that he gave me when I was 21. This was a huge deal, the camera had captured my childhood and was revered as a precious item – mint condition too. It cost about £300 in the early 80s.
4) That got robbed from my house when I was ooh, 24 ish, so the insurance replacement was a Pentax MZ-M. Unremarkable, except for the incredibly low weight. We had good times though.
5) In 2001 I bought an Olympus C-2020Z, 2.1MP but it had full manual control and decent features. Was far better to use than most modern compacts I’ve tried. We were pretty close, me and that camera. I was gutted when it got knocked off its mini-tripod whilst on, and the lens got knocked out of shape. Cost me £500, bought in the USA. It came with an 8MB Smartmedia card which only held about 25 odd full size JPEGs so I had to use low quality images. Caught some great pics but they are somewhat spoiled by JPEG artefacts. Still got some on my wall though!
6) My wife bought me a C-5050Z in 2005 which was awesome. I have loads of stuff up on the wall from that. Gave it away to my sister in law when I got…
7) My first DSLR, Olympus E-600, which I still have and use.
8) Last one I bought was an Olympus TG-620. Not the best compact, to be fair, but toughness is brilliant.