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  • PETA, milk and Autism
  • ninfan
    Free Member

    Yeah, but that’s as if different types of doesn’t have some sort of ‘effect’ on the human body.

    You only need to eat a big plate of mashed potato to feel it for yourself.

    Full Member

    In this context: rabbits are not designed to eat grass but they have adapted … so they eat their poo.. they are in effect processing the food… (which I suppose cows also do but have changed design internally)….

    Its perhaps imperfect as a definition (where do you draw a line) but to me there is a distinct difference in an ability to manage to eat your own poo and extract some nutrition and developing 4 stomachs.

    Rabbits can survive eating grass only… it’s just not healthy…
    In the same way I think there are a whole load of foods we are “designed” to eat… from 300,000 years of adaptation and even before… then going into redesign…
    Excuse me? Are you actually suggesting that rabbits are carnivores that chose to eat an unsuitable diet out of contrariness, like giant pandas?
    They’re herbivores, they eat plants, which contains cellulose, which for any mammal is hard to digest, so their digestive system has developed a system to process it, like every other herbivore, and not because they ought to be hunting down and killing voles or other rabbits!

    Rabbits are herbivores that feed by grazing on grass, forbs, and leafy weeds. In consequence, their diet contains large amounts of cellulose, which is hard to digest. Rabbits solve this problem via a form of hindgut fermentation. They pass two distinct types of feces: hard droppings and soft black viscous pellets, the latter of which are known as caecotrophs and are immediately eaten (a behaviour known as coprophagy). Rabbits reingest their own droppings (rather than chewing the cud as do cows and numerous other herbivores) to digest their food further and extract sufficient nutrients.[20]

    Free Member

    Im not keen on supporting people that support terrorists.They have long supported alf who ARE,contrary to what people think here, terrorists.Then again,they are a niche group thankfully.

    Full Member

    Excuse me? Are you actually suggesting that rabbits are carnivores that chose to eat an unsuitable diet out of contrariness, like giant pandas?

    I may be putting words in his mouth, but I think steve’s comment hinges around the word “designed” rather than speculating on what rabbits actually eat.

    Free Member

    Excuse me? Are you actually suggesting that rabbits are carnivores that chose to eat an unsuitable diet out of contrariness, like giant pandas?

    No of course not, the rabbits digestive system is for eating plants but they just cope with grass. The have adapted to eating grass by eating their poo but out of preference rabbits eat leafy brassicas and other plants. (You only need to have one in your garden to know this)

    Grass is very low in nutrition and packed full of hard cellulose that can’t easily be broken down. It’s a very poor food nutritionally but it grows most places. Animals that have developed to eat mainly grasses have to spend most of their time eating and if they eat too much richer food suffer health problems.

    What I’m saying is a modification of the entire digestive system like a bovine is a completely different league to the ability to reprocess your own poo.

    Free Member

    Yep … nature has completely redesigned the stomach’s and digestive systems of cows around eating grass to the point where they NEED to eat mainly grass and high cellulose/low nutrition.

    Rabbits can EXIST on grass but their entire digestive tract isn’t redesigned to the point they can’t eat 100% more nutritious vegetable matter.

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