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  • peroneal tendonitis?
  • jam-bo
    Full Member

    got my first triathlon in 5 weeks and the last few days this has been coming on (self diagnosis).

    anyone suffered. got any tips? stretches, strenghening exercises etc?

    or just a bucket load of anti-inflammatories and MTFU?

    Free Member

    What makes you think it is peroneal tendonitis?

    Full Member

    Everything I've read and the fact my foot/ankle hurts in the way described.

    Free Member

    can you describe it to me..
    oh and mtfu never equates to a good idea in the event of overuse injuries in my professional exp

    Full Member

    Take some anti-inflammatories and go see a good sports physio.

    Full Member

    Pain along the outside edge of my foot that goes away if I stay off it. Comes back pretty quick and spreads to the ankle if I'm on it for too long.

    Free Member

    ok, rest/ice/immobilisation, rest more rest then rest some more, no running on uneven surfaces and no running, did i mention rest?
    take some painkillers and anti inflamms (if you can take them) and some rest.
    rest it some more!
    have you gone over on it at all?
    just a long shot (and without looking at it of course) but look up avulsion fractures of the styloid process of the 5th metatarsal just in case its a trauma injury and not overuse, dont confuse this with the lit about jones fractures.
    its more probable you've been overdoing it so as you say its prob its tendonitis, and so listen to your body and let it heal itself.
    do not MTFU if you want it to heal. there will be other events to do.

    Full Member

    YELLOW CARD for fatmuthahubbard

    24.5;subsection iii "no actual fact-based advice shall be given until page 2 of a MTFU thread"

    Free Member


    'soz my bad 😳 its the cider talking!!!'
    jambo MTFU FFS man or mouse gggrrrrrrrrrr man stuff etc etc etc

    Free Member

    Rest is best, or you could do what I did which is does up on Ibuprofen, rub ibuprofen gel and deep heat onto the area at the same time then run. To be fair I did well in the race but my calf is screwed now, not sure what tendon it is but it was agony the next day. I am now having time off running to let it heal properly

    Free Member

    I would disagree with all of the medical advice given above. Eccentric contractions were how I cured mine.

    Free Member

    I wrecked the peroneus brevis tendon running about three months ago. It took an age to heal, and my Physio will only let me do a run walk programme just now. Ice, compression socks/support, rest and bags of calf stretches is probably best.

    See a Physio for treatment too – mine responded well to needles. Hope you are on the mend soon but don't be tempted to mtfu as it will only damage it more and you will have longer off running too in the longer term.

    Free Member

    dgoab…sound advice from your physio, they take ages to heal and so its slowly does it, this is most prob what jambo has done albeit not so severely if he is even thinking about MTFU..!!

    I would disagree with all of the medical advice given above. Eccentric contractions were how I cured mine

    sorry, please ignore my earlier post, jimmyshand's 1st class proven advice is the way forward, go for some eccentric contraction exercises on your already borked tendon 🙄

    Free Member

    Roll your eyes all you want, mine is the best practice advice. Blows kisses at famuthahubbard

    Free Member

    Yip, have never had an injury take so long to heal, hasn't been a fun three months but I'm finally allowed to run for four mins at a time 🙂

    if you take ibuprofen, you apparently need to take it for ten days before it's built up in your system to make a difference. My Physio has me doing exercises on the stairs – stand up on my tiptoes and slowly lower my feet down, dropping past the step into a stretch. But I don't know if you've hurt the sane tendon, so might not make much difference.

    Oh and the ankle support from boots has been great, worth the £14ish. But get to a Physio asap for proper treatment 🙂

    Free Member

    Funny that the PHYSIO had you doing that DGOAB.

    Free Member

    Get yourself properly assessed by a chartered physio / podiatrist, (Your GP can refer you if theres no-one recommended locally, usually the local running club will know someone whos good on biomechanics)it could be foot posture/loading/training technique, referred pain or problems from your back as well e.t.c e.t.c.
    FMH's advice to off load the local tissue may well help, but you need to know why that tissue got overloaded to the point where it started to break down in the first place. Turning an acute problem into a chronic one by continuing to do whatever it is that caused this problem isn't going to lead to a world of fun + frolics.

    The evidence to back up eccentric treatment of tendonopathies is reasonable + increasingly recognized, BUT the state of the tendon needs careful assessment + it needs to tailored to the individual.

    Free Member

    edit..can't be arsed

    Free Member

    I hope to never visit your clinic then. What exactly is your medical profession?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    That'll explain the different approaches then.

    Free Member

    I've worked pretty closely with podiatrists and the 2 perspectives are usually complimentary.
    Depends on the problem, as to how much of either or something else people need.

    Full Member

    well it seems to have eased off after 4-5 days off running. Rode last night and swam this morning no bother.

    stay off running for longer or go for a short run tonight to see how it feels?

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