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  • Peaslake trail destruction
  • pleaderwilliams
    Free Member

    Can you read?

    I’m not suggesting we actually take land off people, as we’ve come far too far with this system to work out what would be fair to who.

    If we were to redistribute land it would make far more sense to give everyone enough to live on, and make the rest common land, owned by the state and managed for the general good. I.E give it to the Forestry Commission. However, I agree that the praticality of that is almost zero.

    I think applying Scottish access rights to the whole of the UK is practical, reasonable, and fair, considering how most of this countries large landowners, who would be the ones most affected, came by their land.

    Free Member

    pleaderwilliams – Member
    However, I agree that the praticality of that is almost zero.

    Why keep repeating it then? Point made, thin ice now breaking…move on before we all get wet. Oh, and in the meantime, move some debris as you go past (and pick up someone’s SIS wrapper) 😉

    Free Member

    And to try and this back on topic, I think its great that the Hurtwood has open access for all, I ride there and enjoy it. Logging is just one of those things, it is done for the maintenance of the woodland, and is part of what keeps the place as woodland for us all to enjoy.

    Free Member

    One very valid point made earlier and now seemingly overlooked is, if you’re riding in the area and find a bit of debris on the trail, take 5mins to get off your bike a move a bit. 1 persons work may seem fruitless but if we all do it, the trail will be back in no time, and possibly more importantly, not moved to another line, thus creating teh erosion debate.
    I’ve been on a fair few FotH volunteer dig days and it’s a stunning number of riders who congratulate for the hard work and state they’ll be back to help out next time, never to be seen again.
    Legality aside, FotH and Hurtwood Trails do try to maintain the trail that started this post.

    All the smaller debris I did stop and clear, but these logs I refer to were about 2mtrs long, and 500mm across, so I had no chance of moving them.
    I know realise how single minded my comments may have been, and I’m hoping that not only the trails, but also the access kindly given to us continues.

    Free Member

    The Brays are great and anyone having a cheap shot at a fellow rider for expressing their gratitude to them is a bellend who doesn’t understand the difference between respect and serfdom 🙄

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