Tl;dr – please vote for me!
As many of you know, I do a fair bit of voluntary work in the mountain biking world – either through the advocacy group I chair: Peak District MTB, through the updates/responsibility channel I founded: Keeper of the Peak, or more recently in the grassroots charity I’ve founded: The Trail Pot.
Rewardingly this work in the mtb world has been recognised with an award nomination. More rewardingly the nomination has come from the community itself. From leading novice riders in the hills back in the day, to getting major UK landowners round the table more recently, getting people riding in and caring for the environment they visit is a common thread. Better riding, in all its guises, is the goal.
I’m in the more uncomfortable position now though of asking for votes! So please do throw a vote my way – it’d be a lovely endorsement of the aims of the communities I’ve helped to build, and every member of them.
Tl;dr – please vote for me!
As many of you know, I do a fair bit of voluntary work in the mountain biking world – either through the advocacy group I chair: Peak District MTB, through the updates/responsibility channel I founded: Keeper of the Peak, or more recently in the grassroots charity I’ve founded: The Trail Pot.
Rewardingly this work and influence in the mtb world has been recognised with an award nomination. More rewardingly the nomination has come from the community itself. From leading novice riders in the hills back in the day, to getting major UK landowners round the table more recently, getting people riding in and caring for the environment they visit is a common thread. Better riding, in all its guises, is the goal.
I’m in the more uncomfortable position now though of asking for votes! So please do throw a vote my way – it’d be a lovely endorsement of the aims of the communities I’ve helped to build, and every member of them.