Home Forums Chat Forum Papal visit of Pope on Thursday, anyone going………….to protest

  • This topic has 295 replies, 83 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by Tim.
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  • Papal visit of Pope on Thursday, anyone going………….to protest
  • Elfinsafety
    Free Member

    I don't really care, why would I?

    But as you've admitted to being a liar, then surely you actually really do care? 😉

    Mind you; You've told us you're a liar. But if you are then that means you're actually not a liar, but indeed an honest man.

    But then if an honest man told someone he was a liar, then he'd be lying.


    Free Member

    The title of this thread has changed a day after it was posted, namely the spelling of the word Papal.

    How did project do that?

    He couldn't have done.

    Maybe it was the work of God? 😯

    Free Member

    To be honest, I don't really believe it is that high. But isn't it worrying that Ann wasn't able to give a upper bound that was lower?

    I thought I read last week that the church itself admits the figure may be as high as 6% 🙁

    Free Member

    Although I assume that you would be happy to rob a bank

    me too, if I could do it without injuring anyone – given the recent record of banks I'd feel it was poetic justice 🙂 In a kleptocracy, honesty is unrealistic…

    Free Member

    Elfinsafety – Member
    By your reckoning, the fact that a child is far more likely to be abused by a family member than a Catholic priest, then shouldn't everyone who is the relative of a child be locked up?

    1. On average, children have far more opportunity to be abused by a family member than a catholic priest. Most parents are decent enough not to leave their kids alone with a man who will tell them that if they don't love god then that same loving god will let them burn in hell for eternity. All kids in the world are – unavoidably – vunerable to abuse from parents.

    2. When in the world did I say or imply that anyone who might in the future abuse a child should be locked up?

    Free Member

    me too, if I could do it without injuring anyone

    Yeah but you'd probably really frighten people, which could harm them psychologically.

    Free Member

    There are six million Catholics in the UK, if some of their tax money is used to finance this visit I don't have a problem with that. I don't agree with all government spending but am comfortable recognising this is a cost of living in a free society.

    As far as Pope Benedict is concerned and his attempts at sorting out their issues with paedophilia are concerned, there is certainly evidence that he was hampered in trying to sort this out before his elevation to the papacy by other more powerful cardinals. I hope, and by his public apologies, which is a not insignificant step, he is now taking the first steps to overcoming to these vested interests in the Vatican, which is a considerably more than the previously more charismatic John Paul II did.

    It is unfortunate that peoples' view of the Catholic Church is consumed by these problems because it ignores the good that it does, which they are more than happy to recognise when it comes to educating their kids.

    I am not a Catholic.

    Free Member

    Yeah but you'd probably really frighten people, which could harm them psychologically.

    anyway I wouldn't know what to do with the money… the things I want are mostly things I have to do myself 🙂

    which they are more than happy to recognise when it comes to educating their kids.

    I was educated in a Catholic school, but I never would have sent my children to one

    Free Member

    I was educated in a Catholic school, but I never would have sent my children to one

    Which is a perfectly unhypercritical position to take.

    Free Member

    Which is a perfectly unhypercritical position to take.

    well, when I chose my school, I just wanted to be with my mates and had no criticism of my religion (being 10). Later I learned different. I don't call that hypocrisy or hypercriticality

    Free Member

    mefty – Member

    I was educated in a Catholic school, but I never would have sent my children to one

    Which is a perfectly unhypercritical position to take.

    I agree, perfectly unhypocritical.

    Hang on, are you being sarcastic? It is hypocritical to aspire to give your children a better education than you had?

    How about, say, if someone was beaten by their alcoholic father as a child – is it hypocritical for that person to not become an alcoholic and not beat their own child?

    Hopefully, I have misunderstood your post.

    Free Member

    I do believe it is hypocritical to slag off an organisation whilst being more than happy to take the potential benefits it offers in terms of schooling.

    Free Member

    SFB – I wasn't commenting on your education, I was commenting on the education of your kids.

    Free Member

    It is hypocritical to aspire to give your children a better education than you had?

    even if there had been a Catholic school offering perfect results for all its students, I wouldn't have sent my kids to one. It just wouldn't have been fair to expose them to that ludicrous cant. In retrospect I wish my parents had ignored my preference and sent me to Manchester Grammar (it was nearer)

    Free Member

    I'm frightened… 🙁

    Free Member

    I do believe it is hypercritical to slag off an organisation whilst being more than happy to take the potential benefits it offers in terms of schooling.

    1) I think the word you're looking for is 'hypocritical'
    2) I would have done just as well at any school, I never took much notice of the teachers
    3) I'm not going to be too hard on myself for ignorantly accepting what was offered when I was a child and learning not to take that crap any longer 🙂

    Free Member

    I did get the spelling eventually – spell check chucked it up and I didn't look too carefully, but hey, I learnt a new word – captious.

    Free Member

    I learnt a new word – captious

    I like it!

    Free Member

    'Hippocritical'- scrutinising, judging and commenting on large amphibious African mammals.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    they look so cute but they'd have your leg off soon as look at you 🙁

    or "I don't fancy yours"…

    Free Member

    is that an inflatable mini-hippo ?

    Free Member

    they look so cute but they'd have your leg off soon as look at you

    They're much maligned. A swan could break your arm…

    Free Member

    The only way a swan could break your arm is if someone used one of those 'recycle your can' squashers and turned it into a brick, then put your arm between two benches and hit you hard with the swan brick.

    That would break your arm. Swans are soft as a baby's first sh1te.

    Free Member

    It's the selling of "Pilgrim Packs" at £25 a throw that sticks in my throw. Effectively selling tickets to go and see the Pope tells me all I need to know about that religion.

    I visited the Vatican once. The opulence and grandness of the place disgusted me.

    Full Member

    Swans are soft as a baby's first sh1te

    A "baby's first sh1te" is a horrible black sticky stuff that's considerably harder to clean off than the ones they do when they start drinking milk. You may want to rethink your phrase.

    Free Member

    I think you guys need to try looking at this from a different angle.

    A man who wears a dress and elaborate costumes, has retinue etc who will also be in drag, and his own special glass car will be parading through our streets. There will be people, flag waving, tacky souvenirs etc.

    Dress up as Jesus or Elvis, get out there and join the fun ! Its camp if the highest order. I'm certainly heading down for a look.

    And having great fun talking about it jovially in front of a couple of "marching" types at my work, who know they can't object too loudly publicly. Result !

    Free Member

    I wonder how many paedophiles use this forum? Statistically there must be some

    Free Member

    Didn't this thread get shut last night???

    Free Member

    It probably should be

    Free Member

    I wonder how many paedophiles use this forum? Statistically there must be some

    Think of the children. If we can only save one child from pederasty, then anything can be justified. It's only right that we post up our best guesses, along with names and addresses gleaned from classifieds transactions 😯

    Note for the hard of thinking: I'm joking.

    Free Member

    Pretty much my point tron

    Free Member

    It's the selling of "Pilgrim Packs" at £25 a throw that sticks in my throw. Effectively selling tickets to go and see the Pope tells me all I need to know about that religion.

    Well, those other miserable buggers won't pay for it so it needs to be funded somehow.

    Free Member

    Didn't this thread get shut last night???

    That's what I thought too.
    Maybe higher forces have been at work.

    Full Member

    It is unfortunate that peoples' view of the Catholic Church is consumed by these problems because it ignores the good that it does

    Like .. let's see …


    Free Member

    I did ask why it had been re-opened and mods said "I reopened it as after reading through the posts I took the view thatalthough religion can often be a sensitive topic it is not beyonddebate and opinion, especially at the moment in light of the widermedia debate surrounding the popes visit and the Catholic church in awider context. As there were no serious incidences of personal abuseor other breaches of the forum rules on that thread we found we wereunable to give a valid reason as to why it had been closed when wewere asked by a contributor to the thread. And so I took the decisionto reopen the thread."

    Free Member

    IMO many sanctimonious "holier than thou" senior level catholic clergy who impose strict and bizarre laws on their followers and make them feel awful if they break them, have been exposed as some of the World's most devious and appalling criminals.

    I have no time for them and will actively avoid them. There is also no way I would send my little boy to a school with any catholic connections.

    Free Member

    DrJ – Member
    It is unfortunate that peoples' view of the Catholic Church is consumed by these problems because it ignores the good that it does
    Like .. let's see …


    This is such tired rhetoric. Most African countries have a small percentage of Catholics. So the papal influence there (real or not) would have little effect on the larger problem. If there were any truth in this often repeated disinformation we would see some relationship between the percentage of Catholics in a country and the incidence of HIV / AIDS. We don't not even if we only consider 3rd world countries.

    Ironic that folks who criticise Catholics for 'blindly following' often fail to apply any critical analysis to the 'facts'/'mantra' / 'creed' that they themselves churn out at every opportunity.


    or here, with countries

    Free Member

    I'll be able to see him from my desk as he drives past tomorrow.

    Please send your rotten eggs to cynic-al, *** Princes St, Edinburgh.

    Free Member

    Elfinsafety – Member

    The title of this thread has changed a day after it was posted, namely the spelling of the word Papal.

    How did project do that?

    He couldn't have done.

    Maybe it was the work of God?

    The pope has his finger on everything around us and now on the singletrack computer, apologies for the error getting paypal mixed up with papal but they both take your money

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