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  • Paypal payment sent to wrong/unused email address
  • higgo
    Free Member

    Nothing to do with bikes but this place (nearly) always provides good answers.

    Someone has bought something from me.
    They have sent a paypal payment to an email address (not mine) that exists but is not registered with PayPal.

    What can they do?

    If the recipient does not register with PayPal and claim the money, it will I think, be reversed after time – how long?

    If the recipient decides to register with PayPal and claim the money, is there anything the sender can do?

    If the sender contacts the recipient and they agree to return the money, how would they do that? register with PayPal, claim the money and then refund it?


    Full Member

    For starters if someone has sent money to the wrong email address then it is not really your problem.

    However they should be able to cancel the transaction from their end before the money is collected

    Full Member

    I had similar, I lost the money.

    Free Member

    As above.

    If its not registered with Paypal, then they can simply Cancel the payment, and send it to you instead.

    Free Member

    Someone sent me a payment for £274 not long ago – no idea who he was.

    Gave it back, cos I is well nice n dat.

    Free Member

    I was given the wrong email address to make a payment once, because the email address wasn’t registed i was able to cancel the payment at my end, it wasn’t difficult.

    Free Member

    I sent payment to the wrong email address a few months ago (£220 so I was quite worried). Paypal initially didn’t want to know, so I contacted the person and he kindly refunded my money.

    I am sure Paypal would have honoured a dispute had the person not refunded my money, but I was glad it never got that far.

    In the short time it took, I was all over Facebook,, google etc etc looking for the person I had sent the money to (luckily his email was his name, not some random callsign).

    Good luck!

    Free Member

    i had this once, payed twice buy mistake, paypal’s line was contact the person for refund(luckily he was honest and did), if its an unregistered email you can just cancel it, not sure what happens if a recipient refuses to refund

    Free Member

    For starters if someone has sent money to the wrong email address then it is not really your problem.

    Agreed, it’s not my problem but I’d like him to be able to get the money back so he can give it to me.

    Anyway, he’s sorted it now.

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