Oooh I remembered another one!
This really is a good as it ever got for me.
10 years ago Mates and I took a trip to Whistler to ride the Bike Park, we were happily riding the blue flow trails (about my level), but I managed to lose the back of our train. As I arrived at a clearing I thought I saw one of my pals entering a trail (I had, but I confused which trail they’d started) and ended up riding a Technical Black, it was all rocks, roots, drops and a couple of (not very high) ladder bridges that bounced when you rode over them. I took a couple of bites out of my shorts on the way down, and it was slow and messy, but I ‘cleared’ it, even better than that, I emerged out of the end right in front of our group. Paul Aston of Pinkbike ‘fame’ was our guide that day and said “Yeah, we don’t ride that trail in the wet, it’s terrifying’, I was tumescent with pride.
I was so buoyed with my new found mad skillz that the next day, when I was dry I invited my entire crew to follow me down this trail, Triumphally saying “don’t worry Lads, it’s a bit tricky, but just follow me’ more than a bit glibly. Obviously, with extra confidence and drier conditions it would be easy yeah? Nope. I shit myself at the first drop, grabbed the brakes, went OTB, mercifully not hurting myself, and took my dented pride out on my bike by punching it and calling it at “see you next Tuesday” and then rode/walked/whimpered myself down as my mates tried not to die of laughter. In way, in fairness, incredibly tricky.