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  • Paterdale or Border Terrier
  • hora
    Free Member

    Not quite ready for one yet as our son is still nervous around dogs. However what are the pro’s and cons between the two?

    I’ve met a few Paterdales. They seem to have bags of character, much like Borders TBH.

    What are owners thoughts?

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    If nothing else, you’ll pay a huge premium on borders as they seem
    To be incredibly fashionable at the moment.
    Get a paterdale. Great little dogs. However both breeds will murder almost anything little and furry.

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    Our Patterdale’s coming up to 3 years old and is a great dog to have around. Since getting her, 2 other family members and a friend have all gone out and got one too!

    Full of character, obedient(mostly), fun(verging on mental), great with kids and incredibly friendly.

    The dogs tend to be a bit more ‘lively’ than the bitches & the rough coated ones moult a fair bit when it’s hot but I can’t really think of any negatives. Typical terriers really.

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    Fell in love with this little fella in a pub in Norfolk a couple of years ago.

    Would love to have one, but not now, not in a London flat!

    Free Member

    my dad and brothers have had patterdales since we were kids. great little dogs, some have been working lines too. just make sure you train them well, and as skink2020 says if you have any other pets keep them well locked up

    Free Member

    if you have any other pets keep them well locked up

    Had experience of this with a very male Westie. He had killed two birds and (sadly) one cat.

    Free Member

    However both breeds will murder almost anything little and furry.

    Not necessarily true – but it requires a bit of training to make the recall command from you stronger than their instinct to chase and kill something. (after all, it could be a child’s guinea pig’s face).

    I’ve met more BTs than PTs. I reckon, PTs have been the feistier of the two.

    Tbh hora, you couldn’t manage with a flipping westie, so I dunno mate, maybe just volunteer as dog walker at the local dogs trust or RSPCA.

    Free Member

    Our Border is coming up to three years old now and is so much fun to have around the house.

    Nobby basically took the words out of my mouth, their Patterdale sounds exactly like our Border. Having spent a lot of time with Patterdales and owned a Border they’re very similar dogs. Perhaps the borders are just that little bit more manic, the Patterdales have seemed (ever so slightly) more chilled.

    The only issue with Borders is they moult, a lot if you don’t strip them a couple of times a year.

    Getting Dylan our Border was one of the best things we’ve ever done, we take him everywhere and wouldn’t be without him now.

    Full Member

    Both are great dogs and will be good with kids they love them, no not chew on their faces. As mentioned they’re very much terriers so will sometimes have that kill anything streak.

    Borders are very fashionable now as mentioned, I can’t believe how popular they are now given when we first had them over 30 years ago most people didn’t know what they were and I live where they originated. Just watch TV they appear on loads of adverts and hollywood films now.

    Free Member

    Having spent a lot of time with Patterdales and owned a Border they’re very similar dogs.

    IIRC, I’m sure I read somewhere that they share ancestry (in breeding terms and with…ah bugger, I can’t remember the other one).

    The only issue with Borders is they moult, a lot if you don’t strip them a couple of times a year.

    This is pot luck I reckon. We don’t strip Molly, and she doesn’t moult that much at all.

    Free Member

    Our Border grew up with my mum and dads cat and as such doesn’t really bother about it apart from teasing the cat so it chases him…

    Generally ours doesn’t care about other animals but has taken off a couple of times after rabbits.

    To be honest though (apart from another BT) I have no intention of having any other furry pets in the house so anything he kills he’s welcome to.

    Free Member

    they appear on loads of adverts

    Yep. The one on the current Wickes paint advert comes to mind. Apparently, Andy Murray’s border has her own twitter account… 😕

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    Deadly Darcy: Chomp. I managed fine with a Westie. You’d struggle to see any 7yr old Westie that was lean, muscular, 100% skin-problem free and could run with a bike off road. The issue was he was ‘the’ baby for 7yrs then a little boy came along and a year later started pulling the dogs ears and following him around. There was a dramatic and sudden change in Bingo- he became very anxious, distressed and turned. Still, hes very happy now :mrgreen:

    I’d challenge you to have a stronger, healthier Westie that wasn’t fed treats, bad foods and was very well exercised. To date I’ve only seen one other Westie that was in similar condition and that was a Fell runners.

    Bingo shiftin’ (courtesy of SFB)

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    Fell in love with this little fella in a pub in Norfolk a couple of years ago

    Whereabouts? He could be related to mine…

    Free Member

    There’s a chocolate brown Patty in a pub we go to sometimes. She’s properly feisty, but to be fair to her, she’s absolutely gorgeous.

    Full Member

    IIRC, I’m sure I read somewhere that they share ancestry (in breeding terms and with…ah bugger, I can’t remember the other one).

    Patterdales do share genes with Borders – in fact, they’re an amalgamation of a number of different terriers including Lakeland, Fox & Bedlington (IIRC)

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    Ah yes, that was the one I was trying to think of. I think you can see from BTs that they must have come out of a mix of a few different breeds. Maybe that accounts for the wide variation of size and the hardiness…Molly is around 4.5kg and plays with Frankie who is 11kg!! 😯

    Full Member

    Our Border is great with kids but they can get very excitable when you’ve been away from them – even for 5 minutes to the shops! – which may not be a good trait if your son is nervous around dogs.

    He has small dog syndrome as well, and can be aggressive to bigger dogs if you don’t keep him in check.

    Full Member

    This is pot luck I reckon. We don’t strip Molly, and she doesn’t moult that much at all.

    No pot luck, the older strains don’t moult you strip them the newer strains seem to moult. It’s down to the breeding and the history.

    Free Member

    No pot luck, the older strains don’t moult you strip them the newer strains seem to moult. It’s down to the breeding and the history.

    Ah ok, point taken. Is there anything wrong with not stripping them Drac? Molly would look like a rat if we stripped her 😳

    Full Member

    Why not just do what your hearts been telling you to do, all along. Put the lad into care, there are loads of care homes in Rochdale… they’ve had the odd one or two issues recently, but nowt to worry about, and get yourself another dog. Maybe two

    Full Member

    We strip our dog in summer to keep him cool (he hates hot weather), and then let it grow longer in the winter. Its easy to do yourself and quite therapeutic.

    Full Member

    Ah yes, that was the one I was trying to think of. I think you can see from BTs that they must have come out of a mix of a few different breeds. Maybe that accounts for the wide variation of size and the hardiness…Molly is around 4.5kg and plays with Frankie who is 11kg!!

    Bedlington Terrier and Dandie Dinmonts, again the size thing. Well don’t set me off, original strains they were small dogs you’d never see one the size some of them are now. With them becoming so popular the breeding has now become well a bit more errrmmm relaxed. So you get some bloody huge Borders that dwarf all the ones I’ve owned including the current one.

    Full Member

    even for 5 minutes to the shops!

    Or just taking the bin out :-/

    Free Member

    So you get some bloody huge Borders that dwarf all the ones I’ve owned including the current one.

    I must admit, I do often wonder about some of the gigantic males I’ve met recently. Sorry, did you catch my earlier q re. stripping?

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    If you can get your hands on a book by D.Brian.Plummer “The Lakeland Terrier” lots of references to both Border and Patterdales as regarding their temperament.

    Both hunting terriers so expect the chasing aggression etc comes with the breed

    Full Member

    Ah ok, point taken. Is there anything wrong with not stripping them Drac? Molly would look like a rat if we stripped her

    No, they should be stripped they always use to be.

    This is the BT bible from one of the early breeders. It’ll tell you the full history of them and the original strains, why they were bred and how to look after them.

    Free Member

    Will have a look for those books.

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    She says “Shurrup Drac, I like being a scruffbag!” 🙂

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    binbins, Immagonna try and breed a grey strain of BT. I take it you’ll be placing your order.

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    will it eat my cat?

    Full Member

    will it eat my cat?


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    will it eat my cat?

    No, not if you get it as a puppy. £500?

    Free Member

    I always knew you weren’t a dog person binners but you have a cat? You really are gay aren’t you. 😈

    Free Member

    Patterdales are very tenacious and really don’t care too much about size [of teeth] 😀

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    If I get it as a puppy, its quite possible the cat may kill it. Its a right malevolent little bastard.

    Why does owning an animal that doesn’t stink, and possesses the good sense to disregard its own poo have implications for my sexuality 😕

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    Yup DD that’s about right my last one use to a huge puff ball like that, my current just get tatty and scruffy. He’s needing done now just need to find time to sort him.

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    It’s not just ours then Jota180?

    She likes to bitch slap various friends dogs including a Rottie, Mastiff & and Old Time Dorset Bulldog!

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