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  • Painfull Knee
  • ianwilly
    Free Member

    After a night ride a week ago I woke up with pain just below the knee caps in both legs. I ride a lot so just put it down to fatigue at first. Didnt ride for a couple of days and the right leg was fine but the left was still uncomfortable.

    Went for a 4hr off road ride on the sunday and the left was knee was fine while riding, just painful when walking or just sitting. Have ridden through the week, failry lightly to see how it went and by wednesday afternoon the left knee was getting really painfull. Have not ridden now since wenesday and it still doesnt seem to be getting any better, juts a dull throbing/aching pain below my left knee.

    I have ridden SPD’s for 25 years with the same set up on all shoes, i like lots of play in my cleats so i can move my feet around so dont think its that. The same goes for my riding position, although i do ride 3 different bikes and use 3 different shoes dependant on what i am doing.

    As much as i dont want to do any more damage to my knee, i need to keep training. What puzzels me the most is the sudden onset overnight with no twinges or warnings, and whay did the right knee stop hurting and the left didnt?

    Any ideas?

    Free Member

    Sounds like the right area for cruciate, as I understand it’s not easy to diagnose – could just be overuse.

    I’ve had similar issues in the past, and just backed off and rested.

    Go see a doctor and try to get a referral to a physio, if you train with a cruciate injury you can end up with a chronic issue – best get it check out dude.

    Free Member

    Have you changed anything else other than your bike? My mrs has started driving my car and the seat isnt always put back in the right position so I’m a bit close to the wheel at times. It can get uncomfortable on my right knee mainly where I’m the rotating between clutch and accelerator pedals.

    Free Member

    Try lowering your saddle an inch. It worked for me the other day. Knees only hurt when pedalling though not after.

    Full Member

    This i what you want to do, it is the magic bullet!

    Do the second exercise, where he has the one leg, in front of him, and he bends over towards it.
    It will stretch your big mucsles from the upper leg, it will hurt a bit, but thats a sign, you are doing it right!
    do it 2-3 x times a day, for 2 min.

    Full Member

    Could be couple of things, not possible to give accurate diagnosis over net. However couple of things could be: Patella femoral pain syndrome, Fat pad irritation or patella tendon. These are the common possable course in the area you said about.

    You say you ‘need’ to train in which case if does not settle in next week, skip the GP and pay some money (if you can afford) to see a decent physiotherapist, if you can find one in your area that has interest in cycling then all the better.

    Problems like this can and do start with out warning so not uncommon. Suggest if not settling and you you cycle a lot, don’t leave for to long as may take a lot longer to fix.

    Free Member

    Thanks for th responses so far, its still not seemingly any better and its now been 4 days rest. Really struggle with this sitting around lark.

    Agree that if it does not settle soon I will be looking for a physio… I am sure my wifes purse is around here somewhere…. 🙂

    Got a race next sunday so i hope it sorts iteslf out, or i will be the one legged racer.

    Free Member

    I’ve had a similar problem since the start of November and I’m only now starting to feel close to recovery. Simply because no one would give an accurate diagnosis.

    Is the pain more to the inside or the outside of the knee?
    Does it hurt when squatting?
    Perform a single leg squat does your knee track over your foot or does it fall inwards?

    Free Member

    I’ve had pain under the knee cap from having the saddle too low.

    If saddle too high ?, then I will get pain at the rear of the knee.

    Free Member

    Sounds like the right area for cruciate, as I understand it’s not easy to diagnose – could just be overuse.

    What do you mean by this ? Are you suggesting an overuse cruciate injury ? I didnt even think this was possible ?

    A cruciate ligament sprain or tear as far as I am aware comes from an acute injury generally from a fall with a rotational force being applied to the knee. Which is why they are common in skiers the skies allow a large rotational force to be put though the knee.

    And your suggesting this some how came on in both legs at the same time ?????

    I think your going to worry the OP unessential if he starts looking up cruciate ligaments injury. although obviously all knee problems should be taken seriously and ploughing though the pain is nt a good idea.

    Free Member

    Possibly your suggesting the OP just happens to have loose cruciate ligaments but cycling is actually one of the things you can do with out a cruciate ligament. The OP states he has 25 years pain free cycling. So even he did have loose ligaments its likely he would have developed plenty of muscle to help stabilise the knee in that time.

    Plus the cruicate is right in the centre of the knee and often people do nt have many nerves going here. So if it somehow spilt with out a fall you might not even feel any pain.

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